What do couples call each other in Italy?

What do couples call each other in Italy? English speakers might call their friends “pal”, “buddy”, “mate” or “dude”, but these nicknames don’t really have Italian equivalents. If you dig into the Italian language, you might learnabout compa, which is short for compagno and can be translated as “buddy”, and compare (“homie”). What do friends […]

How much do seamstresses make?

How much do seamstresses make? Seamstress Salaries Job Title Salary Express Employment Professionals Seamstress salaries – 2 salaries reported $18/hr Manpower Seamstress salaries – 2 salaries reported $16/hr Self Seamstress salaries – 2 salaries reported $13/hr MVP Staffing Seamstress salaries – 2 salaries reported $13/hr Do tailors make good money? $27,000 is the 25th percentile. […]

What is virus in biology?

What is virus in biology? A virus is a small parasite that cannot reproduce by itself. Once it infects a susceptible cell, however, a virus can direct the cell machinery to produce more viruses. Most viruses have either RNA or DNA as their genetic material. Do you learn about viruses in biology? Viruses had been […]

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