How do you protect the monuments in Tamil Nadu? – (1) Where the Government are of opinion that any ancient monument or archaeological site and remains requires protection under this Act they may, by notification, give two months’ notice of their intention to declare such ancient monument or archaeological site and remains to be a […]
What looks good on a plus size girl?
What looks good on a plus size girl? CASUAL WEAR Darker tops and bright skirts or pants will draw attention away from your top half. Full skirts, like Circle skirts give you a more you a shapelier silhouette. Opt for lighter plus size pants and skirts that add volume to your tush. Leggings and shorter […]
Can you freeze liver once cooked?
Is the word master bedroom offensive?
Is the word master bedroom offensive? The origins of the term are unclear, but some brokers nonetheless find it offensive and inappropriate. The Houston Association of Realtors was the first industry group to decide to stop using “master bedroom” in late June, after some members expressed concerns that it could be perceived as racist or […]
What percentage of GREY horses get cancer?
What percentage of GREY horses get cancer? Gray horses have a higher susceptibility to melanoma than any other coat color, with up to 80% of gray horses developing some kind of melanoma in their lifetime. Some sources state that up to 66% of those melanomas will become malignant. Why are GREY horses more prone to […]
What is placed on the back of a horse to make riding easier?
What language do they speak on the Isle of Man?
What language do they speak on the Isle of Man? ManxEnglish Is Manx a Celtic language? Manx language, member of the Goidelic group of Celtic languages, formerly spoken on the Isle of Man. Like Scottish Gaelic, Manx was an offshoot of Irish, and it is closely related to the easternmost dialects of Irish and to […]
What does James Bond stand for?
What does James Bond stand for? Agent 007 Do I lose my games if I cancel PlayStation Plus? Which monthly games will I lose If I cancel PlayStation Plus? Once your PlayStation Plus subscription ends, content you previously downloaded at no cost as part of the subscription (such as PS Plus monthly games) will no […]
What is a hermit person?
What have you learned in Rizal subject?
What have you learned in Rizal subject? Rizal spent much of his time in self-improvement via self-education. Not only was he busy academically, but he also learned sculpture, painting, languages including German, and kept up with the latest conversations globally in philosophy and science. What is the essence of studying Rizal’s life and his works? […]