Is a black slug poisonous?

Is a black slug poisonous? Black slugs are edible but rarely consumed by humans; they taste horrible, may bioaccumulate pesticides, and potentially carry French heartworm (Angiostrongylus vasorum). What happens if u swallow a slug? In the days after swallowing the slug, Ballard developed pains in his legs and was hospitalized after spells of persistent dizziness […]

What is forestry tax?

What is forestry tax? Recognizing that growing timber is a long-term, often high-risk investment, the federal government offers tax incentives to private, non-industrial landowners to encourage them to grow timber and reforest lands after timber harvest. Is forestry tax free? In effect this means that Forest Grants, Forest Premiums, sale of forest thinnings and sale […]

Is King Kong a good guy?

Is King Kong a good guy? Kong, being the most human-like Titan, has always been a good guy, protect those who treat him with kindness and harming those who harm him. He only fought with Godzilla in Hong Kong because he thought he was a danger both to him and his human friends. Who’s bad […]

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