How does cognitive diversity contribute to culture?

How does cognitive diversity contribute to culture? Better decisions, combined with increased creativity and innovation, are essential ingredients for long-term collective success. A team composed along these lines helps create a culture that promotes high levels of CI and discourages groupthink — the tendency to march in lockstep and make decisions like one individual. Why […]

What mental disorder causes low self esteem?

What mental disorder causes low self esteem? Whilst low self-esteem does not make up a condition alone, in combination with other symptoms it can point to conditions including (but not limited to) anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and personality disorders. Is extreme low self-esteem a mental illness? Having low self-esteem isn’t a mental health problem in […]

How do roads help us?

How do roads help us? Roads are the arteries through which the economy pulses. By linking producers to markets, workers to jobs, students to school, and the sick to hospitals, roads are vital to any development agenda. Since 2002, the World Bank has constructed or rehabilitated more than 260,000 km of roads. How did the […]

Whats it mean if you can tickle yourself?

Whats it mean if you can tickle yourself? If our brains didn’t have the ability to keep track of our own body movements and the sensations they cause, we would constantly feel as though we were being brushed, poked, and prodded, and it would be hard to devote our attention to anything else. Self-tickling is […]

What is abnormal social behavior?

What is abnormal social behavior? Violation of Social Norms. Violation of social norms is a definition of abnormality where a person’s thinking or behavior is classified as abnormal if it violates the (unwritten) rules about what is expected or acceptable behavior in a particular social group. What is abnormal and normal behavior? “Any behavior that […]

How are constellations created?

How are constellations created? Constellations are formed of bright stars which appear close to each other on the sky, but are really far apart in space. Because of the rotation of the Earth and its orbit around the Sun, we divide the constellations into two groups. Some constellations never rise nor set, and they are […]

What is perceptual set?

What is perceptual set? A perceptual set refers to a predisposition to perceive things in a certain way. In other words, we often tend to notice only certain aspects of an object or situation while ignoring other details. What is perceptual set theory? Perceptual set theory stresses the idea of perception as an active process […]

What are the 4 elements of professional army ethics?

What are the 4 elements of professional army ethics? This chapter describes four elements that are widely accepted as characteristic to any profession: special expertise, a collective and individual responsibility to serve society, a sense of “corporateness,” and a professional ethic and ethos. Why did the Army create the Army values? The Army Values define […]

What do you learn from a psychology class?

What do you learn from a psychology class? Psychology classes help you learn the scientific method, how to evaluate sources of information, and how to think critically about the information you encounter on a daily basis. These classes can help you hone these skills, which prove useful in a variety of careers and different areas […]

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