What is a good experimental question?

What is a good experimental question? Remember, these should be cause and effect questions…if I do this, what will it do to that? Testable or experimental questions: good for science investigations . How do plants grow? Example: How does the amount of sunlight affect how tall a plant grows? What is an example of a […]

Who founded American behaviorism and recognize the real life implications of classical conditioning?

Who founded American behaviorism and recognize the real life implications of classical conditioning? Watson and Behaviorism One of the most widespread applications of classical conditioning principles was brought to us by the psychologist, John B. Watson. Who is the psychologist known for classical conditioning? Ivan Pavlov Who is the introduce of classical conditioning? In the […]

Can I have a healthy baby at 40?

Can I have a healthy baby at 40? Due to advances in technology surrounding fertility, pregnancy, and delivery, it’s possible to safely have a baby at age 40. However, any pregnancy after age 40 is considered high risk. What is the oldest age to have a healthy baby? Geriatric pregnancy is a rarely used term […]

Which branch of psychology studies how behavioral principles can be used to prevent illness reduce stress and promote health?

Which branch of psychology studies how behavioral principles can be used to prevent illness reduce stress and promote health? Health psychology, also called medical psychology or behavioral medicine, is a branch of psychology focusing on how biological, social, and psychological factors impact health and well-being. Health psychologists strive to promote overall health and prevent illness. […]

What are the 6 universal facial expressions?

What are the 6 universal facial expressions? It’s a concept that had become universally understood: humans experience six basic emotions—happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise—and use the same set of facial movements to express them. What are the 7 universal facial expressions? Thus there is strong evidence for the universal facial expressions of seven […]

Which major force in psychology emphasized unconscious thought processes in the treatment of mental disorders?

Which major force in psychology emphasized unconscious thought processes in the treatment of mental disorders? The Psychodynamic Perspective The psychodynamic perspective originated with the work of Sigmund Freud. This view of psychology and human behavior emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind, early childhood experiences, and interpersonal relationships to explain human behavior, as well as […]

What should a 12-year-old do when bored?

What should a 12-year-old do when bored? You are here: Home / Coronavirus / 100 Things for Kids to Do at Home When Bored (Written by My 12-Year-Old!)…100 Things for Kids to Do at Home When Bored Read a book. Watch cartoons. Watch a movie. Draw a picture. Play instruments. Have a family study group. […]

How did psychology come from philosophy?

How did psychology come from philosophy? Philosophical interest in behavior and the mind dates back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, China, and India. Psychology was largely a branch of philosophy until the mid-1800s, when it developed as an independent and scientific discipline in Germany and the United States. How is physiology related to […]

Why is it important to study development?

Why is it important to study development? Learn to Spot Problems Perhaps most importantly, studying human development makes it easier to spot possible signs of trouble. From problems with cognitive, ​social, or emotional development in early childhood to struggles later in life, being able to identify potential problems is important. Why is developmental theory important? […]

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