What is an example of a theory?

What is an example of a theory? Theories typically address a collection of issues. The theory of evolution, for example, is a general theory that helps to explain where humans came from, the relationships between species, and the changes in species over time. In everyday usage, the term theory is often used to apply to […]

How does aging affect the brain?

How does aging affect the brain? As we age our brains shrink in volume, particularly in the frontal cortex. As our vasculature ages and our blood pressure rises the possibility of stroke and ischaemia increases and our white matter develops lesions. Memory decline also occurs with ageing and brain activation becomes more bilateral for memory […]

Is it possible to tickle yourself?

Is it possible to tickle yourself? The short answer is, we humans can’t tickle ourselves because we’ll already be expecting it. And a big part of what makes tickles ticklish is the element of surprise. Tickling is an important sign that someone or something is touching you. In general, there are two types of tickles. […]

How long does a mental health evaluation take?

How long does a mental health evaluation take? The duration of a psychiatric evaluation varies from one person to another. The amount of information needed helps to determine the amount of time the assessment takes. Typically, a psychiatric evaluation lasts for 30 to 90 minutes. What happens during a psych evaluation? During the evaluation, you […]

What are the 4 Myers Briggs personality types?

What are the 4 Myers Briggs personality types? The four categories are introversion/extraversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, judging/perceiving. Each person is said to have one preferred quality from each category, producing 16 unique types. What is the Myers Briggs theory examples? Sixteen Personality Types. For example, an ISTJ is introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging, and an ENFP […]

Which part of the tongue tastes spicy food?

Which part of the tongue tastes spicy food? The gustatory cells are the main cells that are responsible for transferring the sensation of taste to the brain. On top of these cell are numerous microvilli or gustatory/taste hairs. These taste hairs contain numerous receptors called taste receptors. What category of taste is spicy? By the […]

How does alcohol affect you mentally and emotionally?

How does alcohol affect you mentally and emotionally? The Emotional Effects of Alcohol GABA can create feelings of relaxation and happiness. However, drinking too much can lead to mood, personality, and behavioral changes. Alcohol can also intensify feelings of depression and anger. Does alcohol increase self awareness? A new study helps explain how alcohol affects […]

What are the top 10 bucket list items?

What are the top 10 bucket list items? Here’s the full list of the 10 top bucket list items on singles’ lists: Change someone’s life for the better – 52% Get to my ideal weight – 47% Go on a safari – 45% Ride a hot air balloon – 45% See the Northern Lights – […]

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