What are the benefits of being fit?

What are the benefits of being fit? Benefits of regular physical activity reduce your risk of a heart attack. manage your weight better. have a lower blood cholesterol level. lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers. have lower blood pressure. have stronger bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of developing osteoporosis. […]

Who was Sigmund Freud and what were his accomplishments?

Who was Sigmund Freud and what were his accomplishments? His famous psychoanalytical system dominated the field of psychotherapy in the early 20th century and continues to do so even today. His interpretation of dreams, ‘ego psychology,’ and the study of linguistics laid the foundation for modern psychoanalytical study and research. How many awards did Sigmund […]

What are the kind of behavior?

What are the kind of behavior? Combining history and function implies the existence of seven types of behaviour production systems in human brains responsible for reflexive, instinctual, exploratory, driven, emotional, playful and planned behaviour. What is a behavior in psychology? n. 1. an organism’s activities in response to external or internal stimuli, including objectively observable […]

What is the relationship between basic psychology and organizational psychology?

What is the relationship between basic psychology and organizational psychology? Organizational psychology is a grad level course that deal with the study of behaviors of people in the work force. Basic psycology is your general study of Psycolgy and the theories based on the research of human behavior. Is Organizational Psychology Applied Psychology? Organizational Psychology: […]

Is stage fright genetic?

Is stage fright genetic? Fear and anxiety are influenced by many genes; there is no such thing as a simple “fear” gene that is inherited from one generation to the next. Is human behavior affected by nature or nurture? In summary, based on several studies and research it can be concluded that human behaviour is […]

How can I help my teenager gain confidence?

How can I help my teenager gain confidence? Confidence is the belief that you’ll be successful or make the right choice in a particular situation. Be practical. Give your child opportunities to try new things. Encourage your child to keep trying. Model confidence in your own ability. Encourage your child to act confident. Practise social […]

What are physical determinants of personality?

What are physical determinants of personality? Physical or biological determinants are very important factors in affecting personality development. Some of the factors are body build, physical attractiveness, Homeostasis, physical defects and health conditions. What are the determinants of personality development? Personality is a result of the combination of four factors, i.e., physical environment, heredity, culture, […]

How do you know if you have reached self-actualization?

How do you know if you have reached self-actualization? What Are the Characteristics of a Person Who Achieved Self-Actualization? Untroubled About What Others Think. Simple Joys. Have Compassion for Others. Spontaneous and Fun. Be Grateful for What You Have. Good Sense of Humor. Peak Experiences. Self-Awareness. Do you think it is possible to achieve self-actualization? […]

What is perceptual defense example?

What is perceptual defense example? The threatening stimuli is consciously filtered away. This is called perceptual defense. Often people may also distort the stimuli as per their desire and give meaning to their advantage. For example, a smoker is exposed to an advertisement stating the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. What is perceptual defense in […]

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