Why is psychology a social science?

Why is psychology a social science? Psychology is a social science because it is study of what is experienced, by using methods of documentation and analysis of people that are the same as are used in studying other phenomena in the world. Science is as much about process as it is about results. What is […]

What are examples of innate behavior?

What are examples of innate behavior? The following behaviors are examples of innate behaviors: Web making in spiders. Nest building in birds. Fighting among male stickleback fish. Cocoon spinning in insects such as moths. Swimming in dolphins and other aquatic species. What are examples of Behaviours? List of Words that Describe Behavior Active: always busy […]

What happens to your body when you get angry?

What happens to your body when you get angry? Anger is a natural response to perceived threats. It causes your body to release adrenaline, your muscles to tighten, and your heart rate and blood pressure to increase. Your senses might feel more acute and your face and hands flushed. However, anger becomes a problem only […]

How does self-concept influence your interpersonal relationships?

How does self-concept influence your interpersonal relationships? Self-concept also influences how a person communicates with other person. Each person will communicate based on their self-concept. Their way of thinking, abilities, talent, interest, gender, appearance, and other factor which is included in self-concept, will affect their way of communicating with other people. How does self-esteem affect […]

What does it mean to jump for joy?

What does it mean to jump for joy? : to jump up and down because one is very happy. Why do dogs jump for joy? She’s doing it out of excitement due to excess energy. If your dog is the type to suffer from separation anxiety, then the jumping is probably coming from frustration and […]

What is conditioning that results from unpleasant consequences called?

What is conditioning that results from unpleasant consequences called? operant conditioning. conditioning that results in unpleasant consequences. aversive control. What kind of learning involves consequences? Operant is voluntary behavior or response that accidentally brings about some kind of consequence. Positive or negative. The consequence that increases the frequency of an operant. When learning occurs as […]

What is essential for operant conditioning to occur?

What is essential for operant conditioning to occur? There are five basic processes in operant conditioning: positive and negative reinforcement strengthen behavior; punishment, response cost, and extinction weaken behavior. What are the two types of operant conditioning? Types of Operant Conditioning Name Behavior Condition Positive reinforcement Strengthened Positive Negative reinforcement Strengthened Negative Punishment Weakened Negative […]

What does it mean to get a PhD in psychology?

What does it mean to get a PhD in psychology? Doctoral degrees in psychology offer individuals preparation to conduct scientific research, professional practice or both. Most individuals receive either the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or the Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) degree. How hard is it to get a PhD in psychology? Getting a psychology Ph. […]

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