What do all psychodynamic theories have in common?

What do all psychodynamic theories have in common? Aspects of personality development common to all psychodynamic theories are (1) the existence and importance of the unconscious and (2) the significance of childhood relationships and experiences in shaping personality. What are the theories of gender role development? Bandura posits three major types of influences that operate […]

What is the most common type of stalking?

What is the most common type of stalking? Simple Obsessional What do stalkers do? Often the stalker will order goods and services on the victim’s behalf. Finally comes aggression or violence, in which stalkers threaten their victims, harass their families, damage their property, make false accusations about them, and cause sexual or physical injury. Why […]

What are primary and secondary circular reactions?

What are primary and secondary circular reactions? The second sub-stage of sensorimotor development is primary circular reactions. A primary circular reaction occurs at around one to four months of age and might include when a baby brings his thumb to his mouth to suck on. The third stage of sensorimotor development is secondary circular reactions. […]

What is permanent change in Behaviour?

What is permanent change in Behaviour? Learning is any relatively permanent change in behaviour or behavioural potential produced by experience or practice. It is an inferred process and differs from performance which is the observed behaviour/response/action. In this kind of learning an organism comes to associate stimuli. Who said learning is a relatively permanent change […]

What are operational variables?

What are operational variables? Operational variables (or operationalizing definitions) refer to how you will define and measure a specific variable as it is used in your study. For example, if we are concerned with the effect of media violence on aggression, then we need to be very clear what we mean by the different terms. […]

What is another word for not familiar?

What is another word for not familiar? adjective. not familiar; not acquainted with or conversant about: to be unfamiliar with a subject. different; unaccustomed; unusual; strange: an unfamiliar treat. What is the opposite of familiar? familiar. Antonyms: uncommon, rare, strange, extraordinary, unaccustomed, unacquainted, new, inconversant, unfamiliar. What is the synonym and antonym for familiar? Frequently […]

What is scope of psychology?

What is scope of psychology? The scope of psychology is wide as it addresses a variety of issues related to mental and behavioral functioning of the individuals. • Study of psychology helps us to develop a basic understanding about human nature and facilitates dealing with a number of personal and social problems. What is the […]

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