How does heredity affect a person?

How does heredity affect a person? Heredity: all the traits and properties that are passed along biologically from both parents to child. To some degree this determines your general level of health. You inherit physical traits such as the color of your hair and eyes, shape of your nose and ears, as well as your […]

Who was the originator of psychoanalytic theory?

Who was the originator of psychoanalytic theory? Psychoanalytic theories explain human behavior in terms of the interaction of various components of personality. Sigmund Freud was the founder of this school of thought. Who put forward psychoanalytical theory of crime? Sigmund Freud Who were the two main psychoanalytic theorists? Sigmund Freud’s psychosexual theory and Erik Erikson’s […]

What are the 3 types and levels of encoding?

What are the 3 types and levels of encoding? There are three main areas of encoding memory that make the journey possible: visual encoding, acoustic encoding and semantic encoding. What is an example of semantic encoding? For example, a word which is seen (in a book) may be stored if it is changed (encoded) into […]

What does the left side of the brain control?

What does the left side of the brain control? The left side of the brain is concerned with language, number skills, reasoning, scientific skills, spoken language and right-hand control. The left side is the hub of language, where you “assemble” the language (words and sentence structure) you want to communicate. What is left brain dominant? […]

Can most people read mirrored text?

Can most people read mirrored text? Although consistent mirror reading is exceptionally uncommon,10 rare cases of mirror reading (ie, reading of mirrored letters) and reversed reading (ie, reading letters or words backwards) have been reported11—either of normally written letters, or mirror‐written letters or both. Is a mirror how others see you? In short, what you […]

Why should psychology be taught in schools?

Why should psychology be taught in schools? Students gain not just social and emotional learning skills but academic ones like how to conduct and analyze research. Studying psychology could help promote many of the social and emotional learning (SEL) skills that are crucial to students’ academic achievement and mental health. What is mind in psychology? […]

What is the meaning of variable in research?

What is the meaning of variable in research? A variable in research simply refers to a person, place, thing, or phenomenon that you are trying to measure in some way. The best way to understand the difference between a dependent and independent variable is that the meaning of each is implied by what the words […]

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