What is motivation theory psychology? Maslow’s theory defines motivation as the process of satisfying certain needs that are required for long-term development. According to Maslow, a need is a relatively lasting condition or feeling that requires relief or satisfaction, and it tends to influence action over the long term. Why is motivation important in psychology? […]
Why is classical conditioning important?
Why is classical conditioning important? Classical conditioning can help us understand how some forms of addiction, or drug dependence, work. For example, the repeated use of a drug could cause the body to compensate for it, in an effort to counterbalance the effects of the drug. How can humans benefit from classical conditioning? Examples of […]
What is physical aspect?
What is physical aspect? physical aspect are defining as traits or features about your body .. these are aspects that are visually apparent , knowing nothing else about the person the first thing u see when u look at someone their hair , clothes , nose or figure. these are all examples of physical aspects […]
How do you treat an unconscious patient?
How do you treat an unconscious patient? Overview Check the person’s airway, breathing, and circulation. If you do not think there is a spinal injury, put the person in the recovery position: Position the person lying face up. Turn the person’s face toward you. Keep the person warm until emergency medical help arrives. How can […]
What is the feeling of not belonging called?
What is the feeling of not belonging called? Estrangement is the feeling that you don’t belong, especially when you’re surrounded by other people. What does it mean when you feel like you don’t belong on Earth? If you find it difficult to relate to others, often feel lonely even when surrounded by people, and you […]
What is the theoretical perspective in psychology?
What is the theoretical perspective in psychology? The five major perspectives in psychology are biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, and brings something different to our understanding of human behavior. What is the purpose of psychology’s theoretical perspectives? They Provide a Basis for Understanding the Mind and Behavior […]
What is the meaning of eclectic approach?
What is the meaning of eclectic approach? Eclectic approach is a method of language education that combines various approaches and methodologies to teach language depending on the aims of the lesson and the abilities of the learners. Different teaching methods are borrowed and adapted to suit the requirement of the learners. What is eclectic approach […]
Why is it hard to swallow your pride?
What are the four theories of achievement motivation?
What are the four theories of achievement motivation? There are four major theories in the need-based category: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, ERG theory, Herzberg’s dual factor theory, and McClelland’s acquired needs theory. What are the types of achievement motivation theory? Two types of achievement needs/motives have been identified: the need for achievement, which is the […]
What are internal mental processes?
What are internal mental processes? According to the Cognitive Approach, internal mental processes are operations that occur in the mind, but can be studied scientifically. They are also known as mediational processes because they occur between the stimulus and the response. Examples include memory, attention and perception. How do cognitive psychologists study mental processes? Cognitive […]