What did the walls of Jerusalem represent?

What did the walls of Jerusalem represent? God instructed Nehemiah to build a wall around Jerusalem to protect its citizens from enemy attack. You see, God is NOT against building walls! Who built the walls of Jerusalem? 1 kmĀ²). The walls were built between 1535 and 1538, when Jerusalem was part of the Ottoman Empire, […]

What did Joseph Smith do for America?

What did Joseph Smith do for America? During the thirty-nine years of his life, Joseph established thriving cities in Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois; produced volumes of scripture; sent missionaries throughout the world; orchestrated the building of temples; served as mayor of Nauvoo, one of the largest cities in Illinois, and as general of its militia, […]

What are the safety rules in school?

What are the safety rules in school? Top 10 General Safety Rules For Kids At School: Safety Rule #1 Know Your Name, Number And Address: Safety Rule #2 Do Not Eat Anything Given By A Stranger: Safety Rule #3 Do Not Climb The Fence: Safety Rule #4 Do Not Walk Off The Yard Alone: Safety […]

Is fever a symptom of food allergy?

Is fever a symptom of food allergy? feeling sick (nausea) or vomiting. abdominal pain or diarrhoea. hay fever-like symptoms, such as sneezing or itchy eyes (allergic conjunctivitis) How long does fever last with food poisoning? Most cases of food poisoning last about 1 to 2 days and symptoms resolve on their own. If symptoms persist […]

Do pregnant fish stay at bottom of tank?

Do pregnant fish stay at bottom of tank? One explanation for seeing a female guppy fish hanging out at the bottom of the aquarium is that she’s pregnant and in labor. If you’re keeping both female and male guppies, chances are very high that they’ll reproduce and that the female will give birth to fry. […]

Do dentists recommend using mouthwash?

Do dentists recommend using mouthwash? Using a mouthwash that contains fluoride can help prevent tooth decay, but don’t use mouthwash (even a fluoride one) straight after brushing your teeth or it’ll wash away the concentrated fluoride in the toothpaste left on your teeth. Choose a different time to use mouthwash, such as after lunch. Which […]

How much flunixin do you give a horse?

How much flunixin do you give a horse? The recommended dose of flunixin is 0.5 mg per lb of body weight once daily. The BANAMINE Paste syringe, calibrated in twelve 250-lb weight increments, delivers 125 mg of flunixin for each 250 lbs (see dosage table). One syringe will treat a 1000-lb horse once daily for […]

How much does gasoline cost in Spain?

How much does gasoline cost in Spain? For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world for this period is 1.32 Euro….Spain Gasoline prices, 12-Jul-2021. Spain Gasoline prices Liter Gallon EUR 1.396 5.284 USD 1.656 6.269 How much is a gallon of gas in Barcelona? Gas Prices in Barcelona, Spain Transportation Edit Gasoline (1 […]

What years did Christopher Lee play Dracula?

What years did Christopher Lee play Dracula? Though his lanky frame and cadaverous features were found unsuitable for romantic roles, Lee perfectly embodied such iconic horror characters as Count Dracula, whom he first played in Horror of Dracula (1958) and later reprised in a number of sequels. Has Christopher Lee ever played a good guy? […]

Is Ojibwe and Dakota the same?

Is Ojibwe and Dakota the same? The one The Ojibwe shared many things with the Dakota. There are the songs, ceremonies, sacred ceremonial items like pipes, and feathers, but they also shared language. The Ojibwe language is from a different linguistic group than the Dakota so the same language use would be unique. Where did […]

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