Is price discrimination good for society? From an economic standpoint, it is not surprising that price discrimination increases profits. Similarly, price discounts for senior citizens benefit them as well by providing them access to various goods and services. What companies use price discrimination? Industries that commonly use price discrimination include the travel industry, pharmaceuticals, leisure […]
When was the first dorito made?
When was the first dorito made? 1966 Do they still make original Doritos? In 1967, executives decided to introduce a new taco flavor, seasoning the chip with taco seasoning. The famed nacho cheese flavor ― the most popular of all time, according to Cetera ― didn’t come around until 1972. Doritos re-released its vintage “taco […]
How do you make thc tincture with glycerin?
What kind of oil does a John Deere l100 take?
Why is the skeleton important?
Why is the skeleton important? The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body. It gives the body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals. How do bones help historians? Forensic anthropologists have used these skeletons to develop standards for determining sex, age and ancestry in […]
Does cranberry juice raise your blood pressure?
Does cranberry juice raise your blood pressure? Cranberry juice In addition, cranberry juice may help reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow. Finally, cranberries are an excellent source of blood-pressure-lowering vitamin C. Does cranberry juice affect blood pressure medication? Cranberry might decrease how quickly the body breaks down some medications that […]
How many balls are in dodgeball?
How many balls are in dodgeball? Six What is the official size of a kickball? 10 inches Is a dodgeball the same as a kickball? A dodgeball ball is basically interchangeable with a kickball. In addition to these two engaging games, there are many other sports you can play with a playground ball. How long […]
Why do followers disappear and reappear on Instagram?
Why do followers disappear and reappear on Instagram? UPDATE ONE: The glitch that caused Instagram followers to disappear from user accounts has not been fixed for everyone using the app or website. Instagram confirmed several hours ago that the trend of users losing followers from their account was a glitch, ruling out a new purge […]
What was the cause of the Suez Crisis?
What was the cause of the Suez Crisis? The Suez Crisis was precipitated by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s decision in July 1956 to nationalize the 120-mile Suez Canal, which had been jointly controlled by Great Britain and France, in part to fund construction of the Aswan Dam across the Nile River, a project that […]
Can an AED perform synchronized cardioversion?
Can an AED perform synchronized cardioversion? Although AEDs are not designed to deliver synchronized shocks (ie, cardioversion for VT with pulses), AEDs will recommend a (nonsynchronized) shock for monomorphic and polymorphic VT if the rate and R-wave morphology exceed preset values. Why an AED is an effective treatment for sudden cardiac arrest? The AED can […]