How does gravity help glaciers landforms? Landforms and Gravity. Gravity is responsible for erosion by flowing water and glaciers. That’s because gravity pulls water and ice downhill. Gravity can pull soil, mud, and rocks down cliffs and hillsides. What does gravity do to glaciers? Gravity is the cause of glacier motion; the ice slowly flows […]
What is the lowest sounding drum?
What are 4 primary consumers?
What are 4 primary consumers? Primary consumers are herbivores, feeding on plants. Caterpillars, insects, grasshoppers, termites and hummingbirds are all examples of primary consumers because they only eat autotrophs (plants). There are certain primary consumers that are called specialists because they only eat one type of producers. What are top level consumers? The organisms that […]
What are the 3 great fairy spells?
What are the 3 great fairy spells? The three fairy spells are: Fairy Law, Fairy Glitter and Fairy Sphere. How do you spell Vollrath? The most popular spelling form is probably Vollrath, but it is also recorded as Wollrich, Wol(l)ras, and Wollreich. What nationality is the name Vollrath? German Does fairy law kill you? It […]
Why does crab meat smell like ammonia?
Why does crab meat smell like ammonia? Crabs host a ton of critters (bacteria) and they are completely harmless/killed during cooking. however if the crab dies before cooking, that bacteria breaks down the meat and generates the ammonia smell. What does bad crab meat smell like? The best way to tell if your crab meat […]
What caused the huge loss of life in New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina?
What caused the huge loss of life in New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina? While the winds of the storm itself caused major damage in the city of New Orleans, such as downed trees and buildings, studies conducted in the years since concluded that failed levees accounted for the worst impacts and most deaths. Why did […]
Can you get LCBO franchise?
Can you get LCBO franchise? The LCBO is also a franchisor. They run what they call agency stores: liquor and beer sales through rural grocery and convenience stores. These are franchise agreements as defined by Ontario provincial law. How much money does the LCBO make? In its 2018/2019 annual report released Thursday, the LCBO is […]
Is PNR and confirmation number same?
Is PNR and confirmation number same? Technically, a PNR isn’t the same thing as a flight confirmation code, but the two are often conflated. Passengers and airline employees use flight confirmation codes and PNRs to manage existing reservations or check into a flight. What is confirmation number? confirmation number. stands for An alphanumeric code used […]
How many stamps do I need to send a letter to Alaska?
How do you prune grapevines?
How do you prune grapevines? Grapevines are normally considered to be mature and fully productive in year three. Dormant pruning should be completed starting in late February through March. One-year-old wood (the previous summer’s growth) should be pruned back to three to five nodes per spur. The spurs should be evenly spaced along the cordon. […]