What format are Google docs saved in?

What format are Google docs saved in? OpenDocument format How do I convert a Google Doc to word without losing formatting? Open the Google docs document, go to File>Download and select Microsoft Word (. docx). The file will be downloaded to your default download location as . docx without any significant loss in formatting. Is […]

How did they treat gout in the 1800s?

How did they treat gout in the 1800s? Uricosuric agents were first used at the end of the 19th century. In the modern era, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually the drugs of choice for treating acute gout. How did they treat gout in the old days? An Ancient Gout Remedy Colchicine, which is a drug […]

How do you preserve earthworms?

How do you preserve earthworms? Place the anesthetized earthworms into a vial. You can keep the earthworms in alcohol for up to 24 hours (keeping them cool and out of direct sunlight). But don’t wait to long, after a day or so in alcohol they start to get mushy. What animals go through Estivation? Animals […]

What does it mean when a dog shakes or shivers?

What does it mean when a dog shakes or shivers? Dogs shake and tremble for all kinds of reasons — excitement, pain, old age, even nausea. Shivering and trembling may be symptoms of something serious — like poisoning, kidney disease, or injury. What are the signs of milk fever in dogs? CLINICAL SIGNS Itchy face, […]

Why was Milton jailed?

Why was Milton jailed? Milton served as secretary for foreign languages in Cromwell’s government, composing official statements defending the Commonwealth. After the Restoration of Charles II to the throne in 1660, Milton was arrested as a defender of the Commonwealth, fined, and soon released. Why did Milton write Paradise Lost? When Milton began Paradise Lost […]

Is 50 tire pressure too high?

Is 50 tire pressure too high? Every tire has a rated maximum inflation pressure. Often it will be found in small print around the rim edge of the sidewall. This means that the tire will safely carry up to 1477 lbs. and can be safely inflated up to 300 kPa (Kilopascal) or 50 psi (pounds […]

What oil can be used as brake fluid?

What oil can be used as brake fluid? Most brake fluids used today are glycol-ether based, but mineral oil (Citroën/Rolls-Royce liquide hydraulique minéral (LHM)) and silicone-based (DOT 5) fluids are also available. Does water work as brake fluid? Water in presence of oxygen can corrode the braking lines, it can tamper the brake seals. Most […]

What does the Federal Information Security Management Act require?

What does the Federal Information Security Management Act require? FISMA requires federal agencies to implement a mandatory set of processes and system controls designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of system-related information. What are Fisma requirements? Some FISMA requirements include: Maintain an inventory of information systems. Categorize information and information systems according to […]

Where do pigeons live?

Where do pigeons live? Pigeons live in almost every part of the world. They inhabit forests such as rainforests, temperate deciduous forests, swamp forests and arboreal forests. What is the natural habitat of a pigeon? Pigeon Habitat In the wild, pigeons often live on or near large, rocky cliffs. In cities and towns, pigeons are […]

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