What country owns Tasmania?

What country owns Tasmania? Australia Is Tasmania part of the UK? Tasmania was a British colony from 1856 until 1901, at which time it joined five other colonies to form the Commonwealth of Australia. By the end of the colonisation in 1830 the British Empire had annexed large parts of mainland Australia, and all of […]

How does the water vascular system help in feeding?

How does the water vascular system help in feeding? The water vascular system of echinoderms is essentially a system of fluid-filled canals that extend along each of the body regions and have many external projections called tube feet. There are several functions of the system, one of which is to use water pressure to mediate […]

What do paramedics use to carry patients?

What do paramedics use to carry patients? A jump bag is used to carry medical supplies such as basic life support and trauma kits. When paramedics reach the scene of an emergency, they usually grab this first. A jump bag often contains basic but important medical items like bandages, drips, medication and syringes. What is […]

How many rides are at Disneyland in California?

How many rides are at Disneyland in California? Disneyland is a theme park, conceived by Walt Disney, within the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. As of March 2017, Disneyland has 53 attractions with 49 rides (The term “attractions” is used by Disney as a catch-all term for rides, shows, and exhibits.) What rides are available […]

What is the best product to manufacture?

What is the best product to manufacture? 25 Profitable Small Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas in India Coconut Oil Manufacturing. Coconut oil is used by various people to cook food. Soaps and Detergent Manufacturing. Paper Manufacturing. Handmade Biscuits. Candle & Wax product Making. Homemade Chocolates. Fertilizer Production. Papad Making. Which manufacturing industry is most profitable? Most […]

How is chromatography used to identify additives in food?

How is chromatography used to identify additives in food? Chromatography is used for quality control in the food industry, by separating and analyzing additives, vitamins, preservatives, proteins, and amino acids. It can also separate and detect contaminants such as aflatoxin, a cancer-causing chemical produced by a mold on peanuts. Why do we use chromatography? Chromatography […]

What do primroses smell like?

What do primroses smell like? Evening primrose is a hardy perennial with cup-shaped pink, white, yellow, or purple flowers that smell like honey or lemons. What does death camas smell like? Death camas is prevalent throughout North America and is frequently the source of poisoning for outdoorsmen and livestock due to its resemblance to other […]

Why is it called toothpaste and not Teethpaste?

Why is it called toothpaste and not Teethpaste? So why is it toothpaste instead of teethpaste? The short answer is that English is weird. The long answer is that compound words generally use the singular form of a word to represent the whole, including those involving body parts: hairbrush, footstool, armchair, bookcase, etc. How long […]

What is the labor cost to replace a radiator?

What is the labor cost to replace a radiator? The Best in Auto Repair The average cost for radiator replacement is between $637 and $695. Labor costs are estimated between $221 and $279 while parts are priced at $416. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your specific vehicle […]

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