How many municipal corporations are there in Gujarat? Administratively, Gujarat has classified ULB in A, B, C and D classes Currently, there are 170 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in Gujarat; of which, 8 are Municipal Corporations and 162 are municipalities. All 8 Municipal Corporations of the state include urban population of 150 lakhs. Which is […]
Where are ear infections located?
Where are ear infections located? An ear infection (sometimes called acute otitis media) is an infection of the middle ear, the air-filled space behind the eardrum that contains the tiny vibrating bones of the ear. Children are more likely than adults to get ear infections. How would I know if I have an ear infection? […]
What does God say about homelessness?
What does God say about homelessness? The Bible makes any number of statements showing that God takes a PERSONAL interest in how the poor and homeless are treated. And 1 Samuel 9:18 (Contemporary English Version) says about God : “YOU LIFT THE POOR AND HOMELESS OUT OF THE GARBAGE DUMP…” How does homelessness affect spirituality? […]
What statement about the American dream would F Scott Fitzgerald?
What statement about the American dream would F Scott Fitzgerald? F. Scott Fitzgerald believed, due to his own personal experiences, that the American dream was a cruel mistress whom presented all peoples with opportunity, yet even with success made happiness constantly out of reach. Which statement about the American dream with F Scott Fitzgerald most […]
Who was the first CoverGirl model?
Who was the first CoverGirl model? Jennifer O’Neill Who is the CEO of CoverGirl? Sue Nabi When was CoverGirl invented? 1961 Where is Cover Girl make up made? Covergirl foundation, powders, and eyeshadow are made in the USA. Their eyeliners and mascara are mostly made in Germany. What cosmetics are not made in China? Made […]
What is the characteristic of fish?
What is the characteristic of fish? Unlike mammals, fish are cold-blooded (ectothermic). This means that they do not maintain a constant internal body temperature; instead, their temperature is greatly influenced by their environment. True fish have a backbone and fins. Most also breathe with gills and have scales that cover their bodies. What are the […]
How do you tell which wires are line vs load?
Does my car have a OBD2 port?
What groceries should I buy for healthy eating?
What groceries should I buy for healthy eating? Follow these tips for filling that list with the healthiest foods from each aisle. Bakery and Bread. On Your List: Meat and Seafood. On Your List: Pasta and Rice. On Your List: Oils, Sauces, Salad Dressings, and Condiments. On Your List: Cereals and Breakfast Foods. Soups and […]
What did Stalin do for education?
What did Stalin do for education? The goal from which Stalin’s educational policy was developed was simply to increase economic and industrial production, while also taking care to indoctrinate children with the Communist ideology and facilitate this indoctrination with education. How did Stalin control the education system? Under Stalin the government established stronger control over […]