What are some core measures?

What are some core measures? Core measures are national standards of care and treatment processes for common conditions. These processes are proven to reduce complications and lead to better patient outcomes. Core measure compliance shows how often a hospital provides each recommended treatment for certain medical conditions. What is the goal of core measures? The […]

What is a fact about zooplankton?

What is a fact about zooplankton? Zooplankton is type of plankton that consists of tiny, free-floating animals that can be found in the oceans, seas, rivers and ponds. Hundreds of thousand different species of animals are part of zooplankton. They are usually located near the surface of the water, or rarely on a depth of […]

Is Arnold Schwarzenegger a vegetarian?

Is Arnold Schwarzenegger a vegetarian? 1. Arnold Schwarzenegger is 99% vegan. And is the star of my 100% favourite Christmas film, Jingle All The Way. Arnie’s new vegan menu is a far cry from his competitive bodybuilding days when he consumed a diet consisting mostly of tuna, meat, eggs and chicken to build muscle mass. […]

What is the fastest a sailboat has ever gone?

What is the fastest a sailboat has ever gone? Instantaneous speed record The highest speed ever reported is from the crew of Vestas Sailrocket 2 : on 24 November 2012 they recorded a top speed of 68.33 knots in a 25–29-knot wind. Previously, the highest speed ever reported was from the crew of l’Hydroptère. What […]

What was the first sandwich invented?

What was the first sandwich invented? The earliest recognizable form of a sandwich may be the Korech or “Hillel sandwich” that is eaten during Jewish Passover. Hillel the Elder, a Jewish leader and rabbi who lived in Jerusalem during the time of King Herod (circa 110 BC), first suggested eating bitter herbs inside unleavened matzo […]

What US state is the size of Finland?

What US state is the size of Finland? Finland is about 1.2 times smaller than California. California is approximately 403,882 sq km, while Finland is approximately 338,145 sq km, making Finland 83.72% the size of California. Is Finland bigger than Arizona? Arizona is approximately 294,312 sq km, while Finland is approximately 338,145 sq km, making […]

How do you rig a fishing pole?

How do you rig a fishing pole? BASIC BOBBER RIG Tie a hook on the end of your fishing line with one of your fishing knots. Pinch one or two small split shot sinkers to your main line about 6-12 inches from the hook to add a bit of weight to your line (this will […]

What can be included in funeral expenses?

What can be included in funeral expenses? The costs of funeral expenses, including embalming, cremation, casket, hearse, limousines, and floral costs, are deductible. The cost of transporting the body for a funeral is a funeral expense, and so is the cost of transportation of the person accompanying the body. Is the wake included in funeral […]

What does genetic counseling do?

What does genetic counseling do? Genetic counselors educate patients and professionals about genetic diseases and genetic testing options. They also advise patients on the social and ethical issues associated with a genetic disorder or genetic test result, and help patients cope with a diagnosis of a genetic disease. How is genetic counseling done? The sample […]

What religion did the Beatles practice?

What religion did the Beatles practice? CLASS. The Beatles – Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon and Ringo Starr – were born in Liverpool, England. McCartney and Harrison were baptized as Catholic, Lennon was a member of the Church of England, and Starr was an Anglican. What religion was Lennon? Lennon famously flirted with religions, […]

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