How does a tuning condenser work?

How does a tuning condenser work? Tuning capacitors are popular type of variable capacitors. The rotor plates when moved into the slots of stator, they come close to form plates of a capacitor. When the rotor plates sit completely in the slots of the stator then the capacitance value is maximum and when they don’t, […]

What are some major rivers in Iceland?

What are some major rivers in Iceland? Longest Rivers in Iceland Thjorsa: 230. Jokulsa a fjollum: 206. Jokulsa a Bru: 178. Skjalfandafljot: 178. Lagarfljot: 140. Heradsvotn: 130. Blanda: 125. Fnjoska: 117. Which river is used for Iceland water transport? The Kúðafljót (Icelandic: [ˈkʰuːðaˌfljouːt]) is a river in the south of Iceland…. Kúðafljót The river before […]

Is fruitcake still popular?

Is fruitcake still popular? People love to hate on fruitcake and yet we still eat it — here’s why it remains a holiday staple. Fruitcake is a holiday staple, even though it’s often the butt of jokes. Fruitcake dates back to the ancient Romans, who mashed up barley, pomegranate seeds, nuts, and raisins and held […]

What does the name Alyssa represent?

What does the name Alyssa represent? Alyssa is a flower name, derived from alyssum, that means “rational.” Alyssa recently fell out of the top 100 baby names for girls in 2011, but it was a top 50 name from 1997 to 2005. There’s a symmetry at work in Alyssa, with two As on each end […]

Is there a spark plug for every cylinder?

Is there a spark plug for every cylinder? There’s usually only one plug per cylinder, but they fire in a specific order set by the manufacturer. Pick one plug to start with and gently remove only that wire. Changing one spark plug at a time is a lot easier than resetting the engine after you’ve […]

Where uric acid is produced?

Where uric acid is produced? Uric acid (Fig. 1) is synthesized mainly in the liver, intestines and other tissues such as muscles, kidneys and the vascular endothelium as the end product of an exogenous pool of purines, derived largely from animal proteins. What is the end product of uric acid? Introduction. Uric acid (Figure 55.1), […]

Does take two sperm make twins?

Does take two sperm make twins? How did it happen? Identical, or monozygotic, twins occur when a single egg, fertilised by a single sperm, divides and makes two babies. If one egg is fertilised by two sperm, it results in three sets of chromosomes, rather than the standard two – one from the mother and […]

Do Jolly Ranchers have food dye?

Do Jolly Ranchers have food dye? Jolly Rancher candies are nothing but SUGAR colored with health-damaging artificial colors: azo dyes and an aniline dye. Food manufacturers egregiously exploit nice pictures and names of real fruits to fool you into buying their artificially dyed sugars (read a document Food marketing to children and youth overview). Do […]

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