What type of alien registration is a green card?

What type of alien registration is a green card? Also known as a Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551, or alien registration card. USCIS issues Green Cards to aliens as evidence of their lawful permanent resident status in the United States. For Form I-9, it is acceptable as proof of identity and employment authorization. What is […]

Is basil and holy basil the same?

Is basil and holy basil the same? Differences in Taste and Appearance The sweet basil herb is used mainly as a cooking ingredient to help elevate a meal and give it extra flavor, whereas holy basil is rarely used in the culinary world. The holy basil plant has a hairier stem, and the sweet basil’s […]

What is the design concept explain?

What is the design concept explain? A design concept is the core idea driving the design of a product, explained via a collection of sketches, images, and a written statement. This helps the designers and, later, the developers stay on track throughout the creative process, ensuring they bring a product to market with value to […]

Does the word igloo have a short i sound?

Does the word igloo have a short i sound? Igloo is a 5 letter word, used as a noun, a kindergarten word with Inuktitut origins, and has the letters giloo (gilo). Starts with i, ends with o, two consonants, three vowels and two syllables….Anagrams. Anagram Definition Igloo an Eskimo hut usually built of blocks (of […]

Who started BCCI?

Who started BCCI? Agha Hasan Abedi When was first cricket game started in India? The British army took on the English settlers in what was the first recorded cricket match in India in 1751. The establishment of the Calcutta Cricket Club (what we know today as CC & FC) in 1792, was another watershed for […]

How do they say Merry Christmas in Spain?

How do they say Merry Christmas in Spain? In Spanish (also sometimes called Castilian) Happy/Merry Christmas is ‘Feliz Navidad’; in Catalan, Asturian and Occitan it’s ‘Bon Nadal’; in Galician ‘Bo Nadal’; in Aragonese it’s ‘Feliz Nadal’ and in Basque (or Euskara in basque) ‘Eguberri on’. Happy/Merry Christmas in lots more languages. What Spanish phrase is […]

Can oil leak through spark plug threads?

Can oil leak through spark plug threads? Under the spark plug tubes, there are O-ring seals. Once an O-ring becomes worn out or damaged, oil will leak through and make its way to the spark plug tube. You’ll need to fix this problem quickly before the engine is affected too much. Why do spark plugs […]

What is the Locomotory organ of annelida?

What is the Locomotory organ of annelida? Setae and parapodia are locomotory structures in annelids. Except leeches, unjointed chitinous setae are often present. What is movement of earthworm called? The movement in earthworm is called peristalsis.During movement the earthworm first extends the front part of the body, keeping the rear portion fixed to the ground.Then,it […]

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