Why did Jefferson Davis become president of the Confederacy?

Why did Jefferson Davis become president of the Confederacy? On November 6, 1861, Jefferson Davis is elected president of the Confederate States of America. After the war, he was appointed to fill a vacant U.S. senate seat from Mississippi, and laterserved as secretary of war under President Franklin Pierce. Was there 2 presidents during the […]

How do you get stiff peaks in egg whites?

How do you get stiff peaks in egg whites? Beat Egg Whites Until Stiff Now, the mixer does its magic. Turn on the mixer to medium speed and beat until soft peaks form, then beat on high until stiff peaks form. You’ve hit stiff peak stage when you have glossy peaks that stand straight. How […]

What is the minimum number of employees for PF?

What is the minimum number of employees for PF? 20 employees Who are excluded employee under provident fund? Thus, to be covered under the expression “excluded employee”, the employee must be such who was a member of the Fund established under the Scheme of 1952 and who had withdrawn full amount of his accumulations in […]

Where was the first kayak invented?

Where was the first kayak invented? The Kayak probably originates from Greenland, where it was used by the Eskimos while the Canoe was used all over the world. Who made the first kayaks? The first kayaks were rudimentary designs built approximately 5,000 years ago by the Inuit and Aleut people to travel swiftly across the […]

What is the highest a human can jump?

What is the highest a human can jump? 1.616 metres How do you jump high at home? How to do high jump training at home. Condition your body with light jogging. Do short sprints. Do hill runs. Do stair runs. Do skipping. Do double leg hops. Take off training. Run-up drills. How can I improve […]

How do de icing salts work?

How do de icing salts work? A deicer is a substance that melts or prevents the formation of ice, and does so by lowering the freezing point of water and preventing a bond between ice and paved surfaces. Why does salt change the freezing point of water? Salt melts ice and helps keep water from […]

How do I find out my Westpac branch?

How do I find out my Westpac branch? To locate your branch, ATM or service location please follow the instructions below: Go to westpac.com.au. Click on ‘locate us’ found on the top right hand side of the screen. Enter the requested details. What is the Westpac Iban? Westpac uses a SWIFT code, not an IBAN. […]

What is the configuration of 8085 microprocessor?

What is the configuration of 8085 microprocessor? The 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit general purpose processor that can deal with the memory of 64K Byte. This microprocessor consists of 40-pins as well as works with +5V power supply. This processor can be work at a 3MHz of maximum frequency. What does pin 30 represent in […]

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