Do you swear to tell the truth response?

Do you swear to tell the truth response? I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Affirmation: I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. What happens if you don’t […]

What was the weather during the Battle of Atlanta?

What was the weather during the Battle of Atlanta? Answer and Explanation: During the Battle of Atlanta, the weather was hot and humid with some occasional thunderstorms. As a result, Union and Confederate troops often faced temperatures in the high 90s Fahrenheit during the Atlanta Campaign. What was the weather like during the Battle of […]

What could cause the MIL to flash?

What could cause the MIL to flash? Unburned fuel going to the catalytic converter is what causes the flashing light. This usually comes from misfires. You may want to check for a leaking injector that might be flooding a cylinder when the engine is off. During normal driving, the cylinder may not have a problem […]

Can you get a job with GCSEs?

Can you get a job with GCSEs? If you want to dive into the world of work straight after your GCSEs, you can! Apprenticeships and traineeships are a way of combing training and work. As another option, you can work twenty hours or more a week so long as you are in part-time education or […]

How much does it cost for pine wood?

How much does it cost for pine wood? Low: Soft woods, such as pine, typically cost $3 to $6 per square foot for the flooring, and another $3 to $5 per square foot for installation….How much does pine lumber cost? Wood Type Material Cost Per Square Foot Installation Cost Per Square Foot Pine $3-$6 $3-$5 […]

Why is Worlds of Fun closed?

Why is Worlds of Fun closed? The amusement park cites a shortage of workers The amusement park said it had to adjust its operating hours because of a shortage of staff. Worlds of Fun said that it continues to ramp up its recruiting efforts. The ride park will be closed June 15-16, June 22-23 and […]

Do great egrets migrate?

Do great egrets migrate? Most Great Egrets move south for winter, traveling as far as the West Indies or southern Central America. They migrate by day in small flocks. During mild years, Great Egrets may stay as far north as Massachusetts. Individuals from the southern U.S. may not migrate at all. Where do white herons […]

How do you convert 60Hz to 50Hz?

How do you convert 60Hz to 50Hz? One is a rotary power converter, a 60 Hz Motor driving a motor generator with a 6:5 pulley arrangement to change the speed. THe output of the motor-generator will be 50 Hz. Use an AC-AC power supply; basically a AC/DC supply driving a DC/AC supply with a 50 […]

How much do firefighters make starting?

How much do firefighters make starting? The starting wage for a rookie firefighter is typically below the median. Firefighters in the lowest 10 percent of all earners reported wages of up to ​$12.95​ per hour or ​$26,940​ per year, while the lower 25 percentile earned up to $17.24 per hour or ​$35,850​ per year. How […]

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