Which is the best Harry Potter fan fiction?

Which is the best Harry Potter fan fiction? If you want to spend the next week going down the HP fanfiction rabbit hole, I certainly won’t judge you. Destiny Reversed by chattypandagurl. Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness by Thanfiction. Double or Nothing by Calico. The First Day by little0bird. My Immortal by Tara […]

What are some examples of Greek myths?

What are some examples of Greek myths? Greek Mythology’s most famous tales Theogony: Clash of the Titans. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, in the beginning, there was only Chaos. Τhe Three Sisters of Fate. Prometheus and the Theft of Fire. Pandora’s Box. The Abduction of Persephone by Hades. The Name Giving of Athens. Theseus and the […]

How do I find my storage online?

How do I find my storage online? Here are the cloud storage options that let you store the most photos and videos for free: Google Drive. We lead off our list with Google Drive, which offers a whopping 15 GB of free cloud storage just for signing up for a Google account. MediaFire. pCloud. Microsoft […]

How much hot chocolate is safe during pregnancy?

How much hot chocolate is safe during pregnancy? Currently, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends 200 milligrams of caffeine or less per day during pregnancy. Rest assured: You can definitely stay under this amount while still enjoying your occasional piece of chocolate. What hot beverages are safe during pregnancy? Hot or iced, […]

What is the purpose of national defense?

What is the purpose of national defense? Defend the Homeland The core responsibility of the Department of Defense is to defend the United States from attack upon its territory at home and to secure its interests abroad. Is the National Guard part of the Department of Defense? The National Guard is a joint activity of […]

What was the first office chair?

What was the first office chair? Frank Lloyd Wright designed the office chair on the right to accompany the Larkin Building, an office building he designed in 1904. The chair was lauded for its innovative height adjustment mechanism, but lacked—to say the least—the human-centered design features that we take for granted today. Who invented revolving […]

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