How do you abbreviate comments?

How do you abbreviate comments? What is the abbreviation for Comment? YCT — Your Comment To. CMT — Comment. FYC — For Your Comment. CMNT — Comment. W/C — With Comment. CMTS — Comments. ACS — And or Comments. C — Comment. How do you shorten excluding? excl. written abbreviation for excluding: not including: Dinner […]

How many paperclips are produced each year?

How many paperclips are produced each year? The eleven billion paper clips used each year in this country are made largely in the United States, perhaps because there are 100%+ tariffs on the import of paper clips from abroad. Yet ACCO, the number one American clip maker, reports that paper clips account for less than […]

What does Hippo like to eat?

What does Hippo like to eat? Hippos have a healthy and mostly herbivorous appetite. Adults eat about 80 lbs. (35 kg) of grass each night,traveling up to 6 miles (10 kilometers) in a night to get their fill. They also eat fruit that they find during their nightly scavenging, according to National Geographic. Do hippos […]

Does Denver have high humidity?

Does Denver have high humidity? Technically, Denver is a semi-arid climate – which basically means it’s halfway to being a desert. As Ng puts it: “We’re not quite the Sahara, but there’s very little humidity and a lot of scorching weather.” What is normal humidity for Colorado? 54.1% Is Denver dry or humid? Climate. Denver […]

Who created the Garfield comic strip?

Who created the Garfield comic strip? Cartoonist Jim Davis Did the creator of Garfield die? Jim Davis (cartoonist) Jim Davis Occupation Cartoonist Years active 1969–present Notable work Garfield (1978–present) U.S. Acres (1986–1989) Signature Is Garfield still syndicated? As of 2013, it was syndicated in roughly 2,580 newspapers and journals, and held the Guinness World Record […]

Is miso soup high in calories?

Is miso soup high in calories? It’s rich in several nutrients Miso contains a good amount of vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds. One ounce (28 grams) generally provides you with (1): Calories: 56. Carbs: 7 grams. Is miso soup good for losing weight? We love having a bowl of miso soup before a meal […]

Who took over Long Island Savings?

Who took over Long Island Savings? Astoria Bank What is this report of available funds? The Funds Available Report summarizes revenues, expenditures, and funds available by Budget Purpose as of the end of the reporting month. Budget, monthly and year-to-date revenues and expenditures, unexpended balances, encumbrances, and available balance are displayed at the Object code […]

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