Which board is best for medical? For Medical aspirant, CBSE is better. Class 11 and 12 syllabus is well focused on the preparation of competitive examinations. The general past trend is in favor of CBSE on the number of students NEET. Which is better ICSE or state board? There are government schools providing State syllabus […]
What is the most popular pet costume?
What is the most popular pet costume? Here are the most popular pet costume choices, according to consumers: Pumpkin. Hot dog. Superhero. Cat. Bumblebee. Ghost. Dog. Witch. What was the most popular pet costume in 2019? These are the top 10 Halloween costumes for pets in 2019 Pumpkin—9.3% Hotdog—7.2% Superhero—7.2% Bumble bee—3.9% Cat—3.2% Witch—2.5% Lion—2.2% […]
Why were animals introduced to Australia?
Why were animals introduced to Australia? Australia’s native plants and animals adapted to life on an isolated continent over millions of years. Since European settlement they have had to compete with a range of introduced animals for habitat, food and shelter. Some have also had to face new predators. How did non native species get […]
What did Stanley and Zero find on the mountain?
Does Diet Dr Pepper have phosphorus?
Does Diet Dr Pepper have phosphorus? All cola (both diet and regular) contains phosphorus and should be limited (1 can per day recommended) and/or avoided. Dr. Pepper/Mr. Citrus and other flavored sodas contain very little or no phosphorus and are fine to drink (ie. Is there phosphorus in diet soda? Phosphorus Comparison Product Name Package […]
How many bonds can germanium form?
How many bonds can germanium form? Germanium atom forms four covalent bonds with the four neighboring atoms. In covalent bonding each valence electron is shared by two atoms. How do you calculate lone pairs and bond pairs? Find the number of lone pairs on the central atom by subtracting the number of valence electrons on […]
Which is better AMD or dual core?
Which is better AMD or dual core? Best Performance: Toss-Up. When you compare AMD vs Intel chips, AMD CPUs are great at multitasking, while Intel CPUs accomplish single-thread tasks better. Tasks that use multiple cores include photo and video editing programs, 3D modeling and rendering programs, graphics-heavy games, and demanding productivity apps. Is Dual Core […]
What is Roth contribution?
What is Roth contribution? A Roth IRA is a special retirement account where you pay taxes on money going into your account, and then all future withdrawals are tax-free. Roth IRAs are best when you think your taxes will be higher in retirement than they are right now. You can’t contribute to a Roth IRA […]
What happens if two teams have the same record?
What happens if two teams have the same record? In comparing records against common opponents among tied teams, the best won-lost-tied percentage is the deciding factor, since teams may have played an unequal number of games. If two teams are tied for a position, both teams are awarded the ranking as if they held it […]
What is the role of anti-caking agents?
What is the role of anti-caking agents? An anticaking agent is an additive placed in powdered or granulated materials, such as table salt or confectioneries, to prevent the formation of lumps (caking) and for easing packaging, transport, flowability, and consumption. What is anti-caking agent made of? Most anticaking agents are made from synthetic substances such […]