Can I dye my hair with an itchy scalp?

Can I dye my hair with an itchy scalp? If your scalp is highly inflamed, it’s a good idea to wait until your psoriasis calms down before playing with color. That’s because the dyes could cause further irritation, inflammation, and discomfort. Can you still dye your hair if your allergic? If you have an allergic […]

Who is the most famous deaf person?

Who is the most famous deaf person? Ludwig Van Beethoven What famous people know ASL? Famous Hollywood Interpreter: Jack Jason Jack Jason is known as Hollywood’s ASL interpreter. He’s most famous for his work for actress Marlee Matlin, with whom he’s worked for over 20 years. Jason is celebrated for conveying Matlin’s voice – casual […]

Can you ferment beer in 3 days?

Can you ferment beer in 3 days? Re: fermentation ends in 3 days?? Yes. It is advisable. You can let it sit for a couple weeks to improve. For most beer the major part of the fermentation is done within 3 days of the first signs of vigorous fermentation. Is it OK to let beer […]

What are the responsibilities of the secretary of homeland security?

What are the responsibilities of the secretary of homeland security? The Office of the Secretary oversees Department of Homeland Security (DHS) efforts to counter terrorism and enhance security, secure and manage our borders while facilitating trade and travel, enforce and administer our immigration laws, safeguard and secure cyberspace, build resilience to disasters, and provide … […]

Can a hot dog last 20 years in a landfill?

Can a hot dog last 20 years in a landfill? A: Through hands-on excavation, archaeologist and garbologist Bill Rathje found that a well-maintained, airtight, dry sanitary landfill acts more like a mummifier of trash than a decomposer, reports Edward Humes in his book “Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash.” Fifty-year-old newspaper was readable, steaks […]

What does excursion mean?

What does excursion mean? 1a : a going out or forth : expedition. b(1) : a usually brief pleasure trip. (2) : a trip at special reduced rates. 2 : deviation from a direct, definite, or proper course especially : digression needless excursions into abstruse theory. What is process excursion? Process Excursion means a process […]

How much does a cat eat in a week?

How much does a cat eat in a week? Cat Feeding Chart Age Approximate Weight Amount per Feeding 5-8 weeks 550-850 grams / 1.1 – 1.5 pounds Weaning: Offer an unlimited amount of wet kitten food 8-9 weeks 1.5 – 2.6 pounds 250-360 calories per day 9-10 weeks 1.6 – 2.9 pounds 250-360 calories per […]

Can I renew my tourist visa in Dubai?

Can I renew my tourist visa in Dubai? The Dubai tourist visa extension procedure is pretty straightforward. You can renew a tourist visa in Dubai for 30 days twice. Keep a check on the expiry date of the first extension. Apply for the second renewal before the first one expires. How can I extend my […]

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