Can you deduct an uncollectible loan? You can take a deduction for a nonbusiness debt only if the entire debt is uncollectible. You do not have to wait until the entire debt is overdue to determine whether it is worthless. Are defaulted personal loans tax deductible? When friends or family borrow from you and then […]
Who played stitch in Firefly?
Who played stitch in Firefly? Kevin Gage Who played Waingro in heat? Kevin GageHeat Is Kevin Gage married? Shannon Knightm. 2006Kelly Prestonm. 1985–1987 How much is Kevin Cage worth? How much is Ken Cage Worth? Ken Cage net worth: Ken Cage is an American reality television personality who has a net worth of $10 million. […]
How do I request FOIA?
How do I request FOIA? If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a FOIA request to the agency’s FOIA Office. The request simply must be in writing and reasonably describe the records you seek. Most federal agencies now accept FOIA requests electronically, including by web form, e-mail or fax. Is […]
Can a badger climb a fence?
Can a badger climb a fence? Badgers can climb roughly-built walls and wire fences, so any wall will need to be smooth and fence at least 3ft high. They are also amazingly strong with strong teeth and long claws on all four feet, so will easily breakthrough ordinary garden fencing panels. Will an electric fence […]
When was proof of effectiveness introduced into the requirements for drug approval?
When was proof of effectiveness introduced into the requirements for drug approval? In 1962, Congress amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to add a requirement that, to obtain marketing approval, manufacturers demonstrate the effectiveness of their products through the conduct of adequate and well-controlled studies. In what decade were drugs in the US […]
Are human rights protected in the UK?
Are human rights protected in the UK? Human rights in Britain are protected by the Human Rights Act 1998. Anyone who is in the UK for any reason is protected by this Act, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. What laws protect people’s rights? Federal Human Rights Laws Title VII of the Civil Rights Act […]
What did Juliette Gordon Low like?
What did Juliette Gordon Low like? Juliette was a sensitive, curious, and adventurous girl known for her sense of humor, compassion, and concern for others. She was interested in athletics, the arts, animals, and nature—attributes that would one day become central to the Girl Scout Movement. What was Juliette Gordon Low’s childhood like? Juliette Gordon […]
Is a pigeon a primary consumer?
Is a pigeon a primary consumer? Animals that eat plants are called primary consumers, because they are the first (primary) consumers in the food chain. Some, such as finches or pigeons, eat mostly seeds or grain. Is a pigeon a secondary consumer? Animals like tigers, lions, wolves, lizards, frogs eat the primary consumers. Birds vultures, […]
How do you control the rudder on Google Earth Flight Simulator?
Can you drink energy drinks when on beta blockers?
Can you drink energy drinks when on beta blockers? While on beta-blockers, you should also avoid eating or drinking products that have caffeine or taking over-the-counter cough and cold medicines, antihistamines, and antacids that contain aluminum. You should also avoid drinking alcohol, because it can decrease the effects of beta-blockers. Does caffeine affect metoprolol? Caffeine […]