What do you write in a manuscript?

What do you write in a manuscript? Conclusion Organise the manuscript properly. State the study question and study rationale clearly. Explain the materials and methods in a systematic manner. Structure the materials and methods and results sections in a similar manner. Make the discussion section concise. Explain if -and why- your study results are important. […]

Which philosopher of Utilitarianism presents the cost-benefit analysis?

Which philosopher of Utilitarianism presents the cost-benefit analysis? The ethical foundation of CEA and CBA, utilitarianism, was originally developed by the nineteenth century British philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mills [6, 7] and was recently revisited and advanced by Peter Singer in “Practical Ethics” and other writings, and by Joshua Greene in “Moral Tribes” […]

How do I write political science?

How do I write political science? The basic format of a political science essay Introduction. The Introduction should articulate a clear argument and outline the paper’s structure explicitly. Body Sections. You can have as many body sections as you need. Conclusion. Your conclusion should tie back to your thesis, but do not just restate your […]

How do you format a list in an essay?

How do you format a list in an essay? In-sentence lists Use a colon to introduce the list items only if a complete sentence precedes the list. Use both opening and closing parentheses on the list item numbers or letters: (a) item, (b) item, etc. Use either regular Arabic numbers or lowercase letters within the […]

What are the effects of drug abuse among youth and its consequences in society?

What are the effects of drug abuse among youth and its consequences in society? Substance-abusing youth are at higher risk than nonusers for mental health problems, including depression, conduct problems, personality disorders, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, and suicide. What other social issues are related to the problem of drug abuse? Social Effects of Substance Use […]

What is italicized in Chicago style?

What is italicized in Chicago style? However, here is what The Chicago Manual of Style says: When quoted in text or listed in a bibliography, titles of books, journals, plays, and other freestanding works are italicized; titles of articles, chapters, and other shorter works are set in roman and enclosed in quotation marks. Why are […]

What is a short summary of photosynthesis?

What is a short summary of photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a multi-step process that requires sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water as substrates. It produces oxygen and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P or GA3P), simple carbohydrate molecules that are high in energy and can subsequently be converted into glucose, sucrose, or other sugar molecules. What is photosynthesis introduction? Photosynthesis is […]

What is photosynthesis essay?

What is photosynthesis essay? Photosynthesis is one of the most fundamental biological reactions. The chlorophyll bearing plants trap the free energy of sunlight as photons and transform and store it as chemical potential energy by combining CO2 and water. The end products of photosynthesis are carbohydrates with loss of oxygen. How do you explain photosynthesis? […]

What is neurological and brain development in early years?

What is neurological and brain development in early years? As neurons are produced, they migrate to different brain areas to form rudimentary structures of the developing brain, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system. This is a period of rapid neurological development and brain growth to create cortical and subcortical structures. What is the connection […]

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