Can fox poo harm humans?

Can fox poo harm humans? Toxocariasis is a rare infection caused by roundworm parasites. Humans can catch it from handling soil or sand contaminated with infected animal faeces. Roundworm parasites are most commonly found in cats, dogs and foxes, and usually affect young children. Does Fox poo cause blindness? Hospital tests confirmed toxocariasis, which resulted […]

What did Mother Teresa do for helpless?

What did Mother Teresa do for helpless? Mother Teresa (1910–1997) was a Roman Catholic nun. She devoted her life in serving the poor and needy all around the world. In India, she founded the Missionaries of Charity, an organisation devoted to help those in need. What did Mother Teresa do in her missionary work? Mother […]

What happens if a dog eats an antacid?

What happens if a dog eats an antacid? If your dog somehow eats a lot of Tums when you aren’t looking, call your veterinarian. It’s not likely that your dog will overdose or experience extreme sickness, even if they eat quite a few tablets, though they may suffer from constipation or upset stomach. What happens […]

Who was considered the mother civilization?

Who was considered the mother civilization? Olmec civilization Why are the Olmec called the mother civilization of Mesoamerica? The Olmecs studied astronomy and developed a system of writing and mathematics. They were the first Mesoamerican culture to build pyramids. Their calendar and religious beliefs appear to have influenced later cultures. In fact, many scholars call […]

Can I bypass factory amp without harness?

Can I bypass factory amp without harness? Bypassing the factory amp takes a little more work because you have to run the bypass harness to the factory amp, which is often located in some other part of the car. It’s usually worth the extra effort because you’ll get better sound from your new stereo, even […]

Where is the pollen filter?

Where is the pollen filter? You’ll find the pollen air filter in the engine compartment or cabin, and using an electrostatic paper filter to collect pollen, dirt and debris – prevents them from entering your vehicle. What happens if I don’t change pollen filter? If you don’t change your cabin air filter, the filter will […]

What is a life cycle of a flower?

What is a life cycle of a flower? Flowers are more than beautiful objects to look at or decorate with; they serve a very important purpose in the reproduction of plants. The major stages of the flower life cycle are the seed, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and seed spreading stages. Why is the plant life […]

What is a Colour wheel and why is it useful?

What is a Colour wheel and why is it useful? A colour wheel shows you how colours relate to each other and visually demonstrates the relationship between primary, secondary and tertiary colours. You can use the colour wheel to develop colour schemes with these several key approaches. What does the color wheel teach us? The […]

Can diatoms eat bacteria?

Can diatoms eat bacteria? They are involved in breaking down a wide variety of organic materials of plants and animals. Diatoms (example: Chaetocerus curvisetus) – Diatoms are very small, single-celled algae. They eat bacteria and diatoms (algae). Their predators include blue crabs, terrapins, fish, raccoons, and marsh birds. Are diatoms a type of cyanobacteria? The […]

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