Is Fortis Hospital in Cghs panel?

Is Fortis Hospital in Cghs panel? Fortis, Max, Apollo biggest creditors It is structured on the lines of CGHS and both schemes are financed by the central government. According to AHPI data updated until October, the Delhi-NCR-based Fortis Hospital and Max Healthcare are the top creditors, followed by Chennai-based Apollo Hospitals. Who are covered under […]

What is meant by dress down?

What is meant by dress down? To dress-down is to scold or criticize someone, or to follow a policy that allows casual attire in a situation that usually requires more formal attire. An example of dress-down is when you wear jeans to work on Friday. What is the meaning of the phrasal verb dress down? […]

Why is the Honduras flag blue and white?

Why is the Honduras flag blue and white? The Honduran flag has three stripes of equal dimensions. The blue ones represent the Pacific and Caribbean sea that create the shoreline of Honduras. The inner white band, stands for patriotism and peace. The five stars in the middle that represent the five original Central American Provinces. […]

Why is hereditary important?

Why is hereditary important? They control how you look and how your body works. Since everyone has slightly different genes, everyone has a different set of instructions. Genes are one reason why you are unique! Why is genetics important to evolution? Genetic variation is an important force in evolution as it allows natural selection to […]

Why are prawns invertebrates?

Why are prawns invertebrates? Invertebrates are animals without a backbone. Marine invertebrates include crustaceans (such as crabs, rock lobsters and prawns), molluscs (abalone, oysters and scallops), sponges, corals, sea cucumbers and nudibranchs. What kind of invertebrates is shrimp? Shrimp are common, small invertebrates that occur in all marine ecosystems; in addition, some species have adapted […]

What president kept jelly beans on his desk?

What president kept jelly beans on his desk? Ronald Reagan kept a jar of jelly beans on his desk. What was Richard Nixon’s favorite snack? Richard Nixon: Cottage cheese and ketchup. What kind of candy bars do presidents eat? After that, M&M’s became the official candy of the White House. President George H. W. Bush […]

How do you make cloth dolls?

How do you make cloth dolls? Traditional Rag Doll DIY Steps One and Two: print out your pattern (download above) and cut out the pieces for your doll. Step Three: Flip the arms and legs right-side out and stuff. Step Four: Turn the body pieces so they are inside out. Step Five: Flip the body […]

What are the disadvantages of multinationals?

What are the disadvantages of multinationals? List of the Disadvantages of Multinational Corporations Multinational corporations create higher environmental costs. Multinational corporations don’t always leave profits local. Multinational corporations import skilled labor. Multinational corporations create one-way raw material resource consumption. Are multinationals beneficial or harmful to developing nations? MNCs are believed to be highly beneficial for […]

Does the pineal gland produce insulin?

Does the pineal gland produce insulin? The involvement of the pineal gland in the homeostasis of glucose and insulin levels in blood has been suggested in several investigations over the last decades. A peptide extracted from the bovine pineal gland has been demonstrated to have insulin-like effects (Milcu et al., 1963). What hormone does the […]

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