How do Bears not poop during hibernation?

How do Bears not poop during hibernation? “The faecal plug is simply faeces that have remained in the intestine so long that the intestinal walls have absorbed the fluids out of it, leaving it dry and hard.” So there you have it, bears don’t poop during hibernation because their bodies continue to shed cells, creating […]

What is the Treaty on the European Union?

What is the Treaty on the European Union? The Treaties of the European Union are a set of international treaties between the European Union (EU) member states which sets out the EU’s constitutional basis. They establish the various EU institutions together with their remit, procedures and objectives. What is the purpose of the Maastricht Treaty? […]

What infection smells like cheese?

What infection smells like cheese? However, if the white discharge has a consistency like cottage cheese or is accompanied by a strong odor, it can indicate an infection. An individual should see a doctor. White, thick, strong-smelling discharge is usually associated with a yeast infection, which can also cause itching or irritation. Why do I […]

Is a word a prefix of itself?

Is a word a prefix of itself? In English, there are no inflectional prefixes; English uses suffixes instead for that purpose. The word prefix is itself made up of the stem fix (meaning “attach”, in this case), and the prefix pre- (meaning “before”), both of which are derived from Latin roots….Example from Luganda. Noun class […]

What did Virginia trade?

What did Virginia trade? The Virginia Colony’s trade and export included tobacco, cotton, livestock, fruit, grain, and vegetables. Plantations were common in the Virginia Colony, where cotton and tobacco were often grown in large quantities. What was Virginia’s main colonial export? Tobacco What was the economy of the Virginia colony? The economy of Colonial Virginia […]

Does condo insurance cover pipe leaks?

Does condo insurance cover pipe leaks? Yes, water damage can be covered. Condo insurance covers sudden accidental damage to your property but does not include water damage due to long term causes such as slow leaks. As long as the water damage is in your unit specifically, you’re usually covered for damage from the following: […]

How much do tire wheels cost?

How much do tire wheels cost? General Tire Pricing Wheel Size All-Season Performance Small (12” – 15” wheels). Typically compact cars, golf carts, etc. $80 – $150 (average cost per tire) – Medium (16” – 20” wheels). Typically fit crossovers, SUVs, small trucks, and vans. $100 – $250 (average cost per tire) $100 – $750 […]

What is the best food in Asia?

What is the best food in Asia? The 10 Best Street Foods You Will Find In Asia Pho. Pronounced ‘fuh’, this rice noodle soup originated in Vietnam and following French colonization has since spread across the oceans to become one of the most popular Asian dishes. Panipuri. Gua Bao. Som Tam Thai. Miso Ramen. Satay. […]

Are DXP drums good?

Are DXP drums good? DXP are a REAL drum brand, internationally renowned for delivering great sounding quality instruments at affordable prices. Drummers starting out or coming back to the drums after some years will be delighted by the quality of these kits right out of the box. Does fender own DW? (January 6, 2015) – […]

How do Jamie and Jimmy know each other?

How do Jamie and Jimmy know each other? Jimmy and Jamie are childhood friends, in an interview with the Radio Times, the pair were asked when they met: “When we were three” said Jimmy, “No, when we were one” Jamie added. The pair went to school together and grew up in the village of Clavering […]

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