How long does it take for a cat to get used to a new puppy? While there are some parings that work out in days, in some rare cases, it never works out. Liz Palika noted that, in her experience, the “get acquainted” process usually takes two to three weeks. Dr. Landsberg noted that sometimes […]
How much did eggs cost in 2009?
How much did eggs cost in 2009? Egg Prices By Year And Adjusted For Inflation Year Average Egg Prices by Year* Egg Prices Adjusted for Inflation in 2020 Dollars 2008 $1.99 $1.90 2009 $1.66 $1.86 2010 $1.66 $1.83 2011 $1.77 $1.79 How much was a dozen eggs in 2008? In his annual outlook completed in […]
Why were there so few grizzlies by the 1970s?
Why were there so few grizzlies by the 1970s? They roamed from the West Coast to the Great Plains, from northern Alaska to central Mexico. Facing threats from habitat loss, hunting and conflicts with people and livestock, their numbers dwindled to fewer than 1,000 in the lower 48 by the time the Endangered Species Act […]
Which country has no snowfall?
Which country has no snowfall? Countries in the South Pacific like Vanuatu, Fiji and Tuvalu have never seen snow. Near the equator, most countries get very little snow unless they are home to mountains, which can have snowy peaks. Even some hot countries like Egypt get snow from time to time. Where in the US […]
How many days off do solicitors get?
How information systems help managers make more effective decisions?
How information systems help managers make more effective decisions? MIS provides regular information to managers to allow them to make decisions based on data rather than guesses. Certain data and analysis can play a very useful role in making good decisions about where and when to use human and other resources to achieve the mission […]
Was France part of the allies?
Was France part of the allies? World War II the chief Allied powers were Great Britain, France (except during the German occupation, 1940–44), the Soviet Union (after its entry in June 1941), the United States (after its entry on December 8, 1941), and China. Are America and France allies? The United States and France established […]
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale for a patient in a deep coma with no eye opening no verbal response and no motor response?
How high is a netball ring for 13 year olds?
Why did the British retreat from Boston?
Why did the British retreat from Boston? On March 17, 1776, British forces are forced to evacuate Boston following General George Washington’s successful placement of fortifications and cannons on Dorchester Heights, which overlooks the city from the south. The British fleet had first entered Boston Harbor on October 2, 1768, carrying 1,000 soldiers. Why is […]