Can you use head lice shampoo while pregnant?

Can you use head lice shampoo while pregnant? It is not recommended to use lice shampoos and crème rinses as they are not generally effective. One lotion that has been approved for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women is 4% dimethicone lotion. Is Nix safe to use while pregnant? Nix Lice Control is not expected […]

What country invented the pavlova?

What country invented the pavlova? AustraliaNew Zealand Does Pavlova come from Australia or New Zealand? The first known recipe for a dish bearing the name ‘Pavlova’ is from Australia in 1926 published by the Davis Gelatine company in Sydney. Helen Leach, in her role as a culinary anthropologist at the University of Otago, states that […]

Which of the following is a retroperitoneal organ?

Which of the following is a retroperitoneal organ? The oesophagus, rectum and kidneys are all primarily retroperitoneal. Secondarily retroperitoneal organs were initially intraperitoneal, suspended by mesentery. Where is retroperitoneal located? The retroperitoneum is an anatomical space located behind the abdominal or peritoneal cavity. Abdominal organs that are not suspended by the mesentery and lie between […]

Can you tell your doctor you do drugs?

Can you tell your doctor you do drugs? Should you disclose your illegal drug use to your doctor? Absolutely. It’s important for your doctor to know all of your medical history, including any prescription or recreational drugs. Some illicit drugs can interact with medications. How do you turn in a doctor? To file a complaint […]

What did James Madison do in the Philadelphia convention?

What did James Madison do in the Philadelphia convention? Madison is best remembered for his critical role in the Constitutional Convention of 1787, where he presented the Virginia Plan to the assembled delegates in Philadelphia and oversaw the difficult process of negotiation and compromise that led to the drafting of the final Constitution. What was […]

What stores sell henna?

What stores sell henna? You can find henna supplies at your local Indian or Middle Eastern grocery store. However, henna is perishable (its powdered dried plant leaves), and if it’s been sitting on the shelf a long time, it may have lost it’s dye strength. Does Walmart sell henna? Mehndi Henna Kit henna kit (pack […]

How do El Salvador celebrate Holy Week?

How do El Salvador celebrate Holy Week? One of the most important Easter traditions in El Salvador is Lent. During this 40-day period before Easter, named “Cuaresma” in Spanish, people fast, pray and give alms. The last week of the 40 days is called “Bigger Week” or “Holy Week.” On Good Friday, there are two […]

Will fashion ever die?

Will fashion ever die? Industry leaders are declaring the death of fashion as we know it. With shows postponed or moving online, customer orders and manufacturing delayed, and reliable sales channels disappearing, many are predicting that the fashion ecosystem will be unrecognizable once the coronavirus pandemic is over. Why is Shein so bad? Shein has […]

What is the purpose of a marine survey?

What is the purpose of a marine survey? In most cases the purpose of the survey is to ascertain the condition and value of the vessels or their cargos for financial, insurance, purchasing information or to confirm that vessels meet regulation requirements and fulfill regulatory compliance issues. What is a marine survey What are some […]

What does Just ask the axis mean?

What does Just ask the axis mean? The song is about how love can change a person “like the axis of the earth,” Hendrix said in a 1968 radio interview. “If it changes, well, it changes the whole face of the Earth, like, every few thousand years. It’s like love in a human being; if […]

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