Where did the European hedgehog come from?

Where did the European hedgehog come from? Native range: Erinaceus europaeus (hedgehogs) are native to western and parts of northern Europe. Known introduced range: Hedgehogs have only been successfully introduced in the wild in New Zealand, where thay have invaded all but alpine habitats. They are more rare in very frosty or wet habitats. What […]

What was the original purpose of the artwork?

What was the original purpose of the artwork? Probably the oldest purpose of art is as a vehicle for religious ritual. From the prehistoric cave paintings of France, to the Sistine Chapel, art has served religion. For centuries the Church was the primary patron of artists. In traditional societies even today, the primary purpose of […]

Where did Derek Jeter live in New Jersey?

Where did Derek Jeter live in New Jersey? West Milford Did Derek Jeter ever live in NJ? The Jeters lived in New Jersey until Derek was four years old, at which point they moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan. At age five Jeter began playing little league baseball. The children lived with their parents during the school […]

Can you use onion salt instead of onion?

Can you use onion salt instead of onion? Savory recipes may call for onion salt or onion powder to add a touch of onion flavor to casseroles, breads and meat entrees. Because onion salt is a mixture of onion powder and salt, you can easily substitute onion powder for onion salt with minor adjustments to […]

How come I cant see people on Google Earth?

How come I cant see people on Google Earth? While exploring Google Earth’s 3D imagery, you will probably have noticed that even in the busiest cities, people are largely absent. This is because of the way the 3D imagery is captured. Can you see Gaza on Google Earth? You Can See Hi-res Images of the […]

What should I read if I like fantasy?

What should I read if I like fantasy? The Top Epic Fantasy Books A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin. Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott […]

How do you neutralize salt flavor?

How do you neutralize salt flavor? Lemon juice, vinegar—whatever the acid, it’s your saving grace. Use a squeeze of lemon or a drizzle of a mild vinegar to help mask some of the aggressive salt with a new flavor. Acid will bring out the best of salty potatoes or salty fish (fish and chips, anyone?). […]

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