What is the BCD representation of? In computing and electronic systems, binary-coded decimal (BCD) is a class of binary encodings of decimal numbers where each digit is represented by a fixed number of bits, usually four or eight. Sometimes, special bit patterns are used for a sign or other indications (e.g. error or overflow). What […]
What does the name Amrita mean?
What does the name Amrita mean? immortality How do you pronounce Amrita? Phonetic spelling of Amritha. uh-m-r-ih-th-ah. AEMRAH-DHAH. Am-ritha. Meanings for Amritha. An Indian actress who is prominent for her role in the film Kaali. Translations of Amritha. Russian : Вьетнамки Indonesian : sandal jepit. Korean : 있으며,인기있는 회 How do you pronounce aera? Phonetic […]
Will there ever be a new PSP?
When did the boy in the plastic bubble die?
When did the boy in the plastic bubble die? Febr Is the boy in the plastic bubble a true story? When David Vetter was born in 1971 with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), an experiment to keep him alive made him famous. Vetter became known as “The Bubble Boy” after he was placed in a germ-free […]
Who did the basilisk kill?
Who did the basilisk kill? In 1943, when heir Tom Marvolo Riddle opened the Chamber he used the Basilisk to attack Muggle-borns. Salazar Slytherin’s basilisk fighting with Fawkes The Basilisk actually killed one girl by the name of Myrtle Warren. In 1993 Riddle opened the Chamber again, through the use of one of his seven […]
Why do potholes form in the winter?
Why do potholes form in the winter? Most winter potholes are created when cracks allow water to seep into the foundation. Once this happens, the trapped water underneath the asphalt can freeze, which pushes the surface of the pavement up. When the temperature rises, the trapped ice melts and creates a hollow space between the […]
What is one of the most important things you can do to prevent food poisoning?
What is one of the most important things you can do to prevent food poisoning? Four Steps to Prevent Food Poisoning Clean. Wash your hands and work surfaces before, during, and after preparing food. Separate. Separate raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs from ready-to-eat foods. Cook. Cook food to the right internal temperature to kill […]
What is the meaning of FTC?
What is the meaning of FTC? Federal Trade Commission What does FTC stand for in court? SYNOPSIS OF CONSUMER PROTECTION ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY UNDER THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ACT Statute Federal Trade Commission Criminal Penalties referral to U.S. Department of Justice [§16(b) FTCA] What is the purpose of FTC? The FTC protects consumers by stopping unfair, […]
Why did the Franco-Prussian war begin?
Why did the Franco-Prussian war begin? Origins of the war The immediate cause of the Franco-German War, however, was the candidacy of Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (who was related to the Prussian royal house) for the Spanish throne, which had been left vacant when Queen Isabella II had been deposed in 1868. How was the […]
How did television impact the advertising industry?
How did television impact the advertising industry? TV became the first medium to make selling products its main purpose. Program content was secondary, unlike with radio. Ad agencies helped their TV-sponsor clients pick the shows that would air and decide on the content. By the end of the decade, advertisers were relegated to buying airtime. […]