Why airline industry uses price discrimination?

Why airline industry uses price discrimination? How does an Airline practise price discrimination? 1. If demand for the particular flight is high, then the airline starts putting up the price of that flight. It means that the remaining tickets will only be bought by people willing to pay a higher price (inelastic demand). What are […]

How many black rhinos are left?

How many black rhinos are left? All species Rhino species Population Javan rhino 74 Sumatran rhino <80 Black rhino Between 5,366 and 5,627 Greater one-horned rhino 3,588 Why is the black rhino going extinct? Illegal Wildlife Trade. Of all the threats facing black rhinos, poaching is the deadliest. Today, black rhinos remain critically endangered because […]

Is 50 years old too old to adopt a child?

Is 50 years old too old to adopt a child? Prospective birth mothers often choose to place their babies with younger parents, which means domestic infant adoption agencies cannot guarantee older families a reasonable wait. This is why American Adoptions typically works with hopeful parents between the ages of 25 and 50. What is the […]

Why do I get thirsty fast?

Why do I get thirsty fast? Thirst you can’t seem to quench, what doctors call polydipsia, is one symptom of diabetes. When you have this disease, your body doesn’t make enough of the hormone insulin or doesn’t use it properly. It causes too much sugar (called glucose) to build up in your body. How do […]

Are Jellyfish K strategists?

Are Jellyfish K strategists? Jellyfish demonstrate k strategy during reproduction. While moon jellyfish lay up to 15 eggs at a time, most jellyfish only lay 1 marble like egg. Because of overfishing, these single marble like eggs can survive and produce more offspring in the future, creating generations causing the population boom. Are mosquitoes K […]

How many hours is Canada from Greece?

How many hours is Canada from Greece? 10 hours, 35 minutes How far is Toronto to Greece? about 4,927 miles Are there direct flights to Athens? Non-stop flights to Athens (ATH) In total there are 151 airports around the world that have direct flights to Athens, spread around 139 cities in 48 countries. Currently, there […]

How much oil does a 1997 Saturn take?

How much oil does a 1997 Saturn take? SAE 5W-30 is preferred. Capacity: 4 quarts. (with filter)After refill check oil level. How much oil does a Saturn take? Valvoline Synthetic Motor Oil 5W-30 5 Quart. Also, how much oil does a Saturn sl2 take? The engine sits sideways in the engine compartment and drives the […]

What is inflammation of the bile duct?

What is inflammation of the bile duct? Cholangitis is an inflammation of the bile duct system. The bile duct system carries bile from your liver and gallbladder into the first part of your small intestine (the duodenum). In most cases cholangitis is caused by a bacterial infection, and often happens suddenly. Can Gallstones form in […]

What can I do with unused medical supplies?

What can I do with unused medical supplies? If you decide that you want to donate medical supplies, you have several options to consider. You can donate to a local organization that is willing to take unused supplies….Other local organizations to consider donating to include: Salvation Army. Churches. Community centers. Nursing homes. Daycare centers. Schools. […]

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