Do diapers disintegrate? Although disposable diapers need to be exposed to oxygen and sunlight to decompose, they do not degrade well in a landfill. What’s more, disposable diapers take about 500 years to decompose. The millions of tons of untreated waste added to landfills each year through plastic diapers can contaminate ground water. Do biodegradable […]
Are male kittens more playful than female?
Are male kittens more playful than female? Males, or toms, can be friendlier than females. Intact male cats “spray” to mark their territory and “howl” for females (this is usually not a problem if you get him neutered). Female cats tend to be more reserved than males but are far less likely to spray. Which […]
How do people make money in El Paso TX?
How do people make money in El Paso TX? Lots of El Pasoans are looking for some extra cash these days, here are a few “unconventional” ways to get paid: Donate Plasma. Make a few dollars and maybe save a life, contact United Blood Services. Sell your hair. Go shopping. Get experimented on. Pick up […]
What is a good SAT score 2400?
What are the stages of the embryo?
What are the stages of the embryo? Carnegie Stage Table Stage Days (approx) Events 1 1 (week 1) fertilized oocyte, zygote, pronuclei 2 2 – 3 morula cell division with reduction in cytoplasmic volume, blastocyst formation of inner and outer cell mass 3 4 – 5 loss of zona pellucida, free blastocyst 4 5 – […]
Are strangler figs trees?
Are strangler figs trees? Strangler fig, also called strangler, any of numerous species of tropical figs (genus Ficus, family Moraceae) named for their pattern of growth upon host trees, which often results in the host’s death. Strangler figs and other strangler species are common in tropical forests throughout the world. Is strangler fig harmful to […]
What would cause excessive pressure on the high side of an AC system?
What would cause excessive pressure on the high side of an AC system? Higher than normal air pressure is usually a consequence of two situations. One, your AC system might be facing limited or no airflow through the condenser. This, in turn, might be a consequence of bad condenser fan motor. Second, the other reason […]
How quickly does guacamole turn brown?
How quickly does guacamole turn brown? Homemade guacamole also usually lasts 1-2 days. You’ll know it’s gone bad when it has a substantial puddle of brown liquid and the layers below the surface have lost their vibrant green hue. That’s when it’s time to throw it out. Does lemon juice keep guacamole from turning brown? […]
What type of gelatin is used in fish oil?
What type of gelatin is used in fish oil? bovine Is fish gelatin bad? The most striking feature of fish gelatin is that it is widely acceptable for all religion and cultures and is not related with the risk of outbreaks of BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy). Does fish oil thin your blood? Bleeding. Fish oil […]
How does lack of sleep affect a teenager?
How does lack of sleep affect a teenager? Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood teens will suffer myriad negative consequences, including an inability to concentrate, poor grades, drowsy-driving incidents, anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide and even suicide attempts. Why does my teenager have insomnia? It’s because their brains naturally work on later schedules and aren’t ready […]