Who set up the first hospice in London England?

Who set up the first hospice in London England? Dame Cicely Saunders OM Which country did hospice care originate? What is the history of hospice? Toward the end of the 19th century, hospices became designated places for the care of terminal patients in Ireland and England. The modern concept of hospice was later developed in […]

What killed the Siberian unicorn?

What killed the Siberian unicorn? In new research published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, the scientists say the Siberian unicorn seems to have become extinct during the Ice Age, when climate change reduced its grassy habitat around present-day Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Northern China. How are unicorns born? Unicorns do not lay eggs […]

Can medications cause false positive pregnancy test?

Can medications cause false positive pregnancy test? Other medications can also cause false-positive pregnancy tests. They include but aren’t limited to: anti-anxiety medications, like diazepam (Valium) or alprazolam (Xanax) antipsychotics, such as clozapine or chlorpromazine. Can diet pills affect early pregnancy? Risks if taken before pregnant If you took phentermine before pregnancy, it should have […]

Why would you need headgear with braces?

Why would you need headgear with braces? Headgear is an orthodontic appliance used to correct bite and support proper jaw alignment and growth. Unlike braces, headgear is worn partially outside of the mouth. An orthodontist may recommend headgear for your child if their bite is severely out of alignment. An unaligned bite is called a […]

How long did Roald Dahl write for?

How long did Roald Dahl write for? He wrote his first story for children, The Gremlins, in 1942. The book was not very successful so he continued to write for adults. -For 15 years, Dahl wrote adult books. When was James and the Giant Peach written? 1961 Which book did Roald Dahl write first? The […]

What year did Spalding make golf clubs?

What year did Spalding make golf clubs? 1905 Does Spalding still make golf clubs? End of Spalding The success of Spalding golf clubs had compelled the USGA to act, but this success was not destined to last forever. Mismanagement and a growing golf market has seen Spalding cease manufacturing golf products, selling off popular brands […]

Why did the bear dog go extinct?

Why did the bear dog go extinct? Bear dogs in general went extinct for a reason: the environment. As the Miocene went on, the climate got drier and drier, promoting faster prey and predators with ambush becoming harder. Horses and camels, the main prey, became faster and faster. Do bear dogs exist? The bear dog, […]

Is Groundhog Day halfway between winter and spring?

Is Groundhog Day halfway between winter and spring? So, how does Groundhog Day fit in? Goundhog Day is the cross-quarter day about half way between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. That means that no matter what the groundhog sees, the earth has traveled about one half of the way between winter and spring. […]

Is Kyokushin the strongest karate?

Is Kyokushin the strongest karate? Kyokushin Karate is known as the strongest style of karate. Presently, more than five hundred World So-Kyokushin dojos(training places) both inside and outside of Japan are members of the International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan. How is Kyokushin karate different? Kyokushin Karate is a full-body contact with using maximum force. Like in […]

Who did not attend the Seneca Falls Convention?

Who did not attend the Seneca Falls Convention? Susan B. Anthony Who attended the 1851 Women’s Rights Convention? This document was a statement of the rights that the participants at the convention felt women deserved. Conference attendees included approximately 260 women and 40 men, among them escaped slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Who were the […]

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