What are the advantages of population? Advantages :- More human population so more workers in different fields,More economy growth,More tax payers, More funds, More diversity ,More share of people for particular programs. What are some advantages of population growth? Yet, population growth in most parts of the United States is projected to rise steadily over […]
WHO adopted Edgar Allan Poe?
WHO adopted Edgar Allan Poe? John Allan Who were Edgar Allan Poe’s parents? Eliza PoeDavid Poe Jr. WHO adopted Edgar Allan Poe and what was their relationship? Edgar Allan Poe was adopted by a couple named John and Frances Allan of Richmond, Virginia. Though he got along well with Frances Allan, Poe’s relationship with John […]
How do you get crabs to mate?
How do you get crabs to mate? The male transfers sperm by inserting his gonopods (sexual organs resembling antennae) into the two genital pores, called gonophores, on the female’s underside. The female stores the sperm in a storage sac called a spermatheca until she is ready to use it. Can pet crabs recognize their owners? […]
Why are bimetallic strips useful?
Why are bimetallic strips useful? A bimetallic strip is used to convert a temperature change into mechanical displacement. The strip consists of two strips of different metals which expand at different rates as they are heated. This effect is used in a range of mechanical and electrical devices. What causes the alarm to ring when […]
How many adaptations to living on its island does your rat have compared with the ancestral rat?
How many adaptations to living on its island does your rat have compared with the ancestral rat? 1) How many adaptations would your rat have, compared with the ancestral rat? My rat compared to the ancestral rat will have 5 adaptations in order to survive the new environment. Could this rat’s alleles be added to […]
What is the role of government in the tourism development in the Philippines?
What is the role of government in the tourism development in the Philippines? Department of Tourism (DOT) – the primary government agency charged with the responsibility to encourage, promote, and develop tourism as a major socio-economic activity to generate foreign currency and employment and to spread the benefits of tourism to both private and public […]
Why does my stamina go down so fast in UFC 4?
What song has a metaphor in it?
What is the healthiest part of a hard boiled egg?
What is the healthiest part of a hard boiled egg? It’s very important to realize that almost all the nutrients are contained in the yolk, the white contains only protein. Whole eggs are incredibly nutritious, containing a very large amount of nutrients compared to calories. The nutrients are found in the yolks, while the whites […]
How much does H and M pay per hour?
How much does H and M pay per hour? H&M in Los Angeles, CA Area Salaries Job Title Location Salary Retail Sales Associate salaries – 15 salaries reported Los Angeles, CA Area $14/hr Sales Associate salaries – 13 salaries reported Los Angeles, CA Area $16/hr Part Time Sales Advisor salaries – 11 salaries reported Los […]