How do you describe your mother?

How do you describe your mother? Mother is a symbol of love and care. She is my first teacher, friend and my inspiration. She is most beautiful, strong, loving, caring and wonderful person. I always wonder how she manages everything perfectly, and is surprised because of her kind nature. What does your mother look like […]

How much does a Ferrari cost per year?

How much does a Ferrari cost per year? For those of you who scrolled down to the bottom looking for one final number, here it is: $8,500 in depreciation plus $4,629.81 in maintenance repairs for a grand total of $13,129.81. In other words: I paid about $1,100 per month to drive this car, or $39.90 […]

Is Jack Sparrow Indian?

Is Jack Sparrow Indian? Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide gives a backstory to Sparrow in which he was born on a pirate ship during a typhoon in the Indian Ocean and was trained to fence by an Italian. Why is Jack Sparrow so special? Captain Jack Sparrow is what the genius of […]

What three substances make up gastric juice?

What three substances make up gastric juice? Gastric juice is a variable mixture of water, hydrochloric acid, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, sulfate, and bicarbonate), and organic substances (mucus, pepsins, and protein). This juice is highly acidic because of its hydrochloric acid content, and it is rich in enzymes. Which of these enzymes is found […]

Does Jello absorb light?

Does Jello absorb light? The blue gelatin (which is actually cyan) absorbs red light (but not blue or green), so the red beam isn’t visible. When going from a high-speed material such as air to a lower-speed material such as gelatin, the beam will bend into, or towards, the gelatin. Light traveling through a convex […]

Why is there a Kansas City in Missouri?

Why is there a Kansas City in Missouri? Kansas City, Mo., was incorporated in 1853, eight years before Kansas became the 34th state. The Missouri city took its name from the Kansas River — which was inspired by the Kanza People, Native Americans of the Kaw Nation — and was originally called the City of […]

What key is Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy in?

What key is Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy in? Title: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy From: The Nutcracker Instrument: C Instrument 1, range: E3-B5 Scorings: Leadsheet Original Published Key: E Minor What does the Sugar Plum Fairy represent? Naturally, the Sugar Plum Fairy is the first role that many young ballerinas-to-be aspire to. […]

Who colonized Roatan Honduras?

Who colonized Roatan Honduras? The main islands were first sighted by Christopher Columbus in 1502 and were settled in 1642 by English buccaneers. Between 1650 and 1850 Spain, Honduras, and England intermittently contested the islands, and Carib Indians from St. Vincent in the Leeward Islands were deported to a penal colony on Roatán. Was Roatan […]

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