How does chronic stress affect the immune system?

How does chronic stress affect the immune system? When we’re stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced. That is why we are more susceptible to infections. The stress hormone corticosteroid can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system (e.g. lowers the number of lymphocytes). What is psychoneuroimmunology of stress? Psychoneuroimmunology is […]

What was Tang taizong known for?

What was Tang taizong known for? Taizong (birth name, Li-Shimin, l. 626-649 CE) was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty and is considered one of the greatest rulers in Chinese history for his reforms of the government and the laws, his religious tolerance, and the prosperity China enjoyed under his reign. Who was the […]

Which is the strongest caste?

Which is the strongest caste? The Yadavs and Kurmis have become the two most powerful castes in UP. On the other side, the steady upward mobility among the lower intermediary (backward) and scheduled castes has encouraged them to organise against exploitation by the upper and upper intermediary (backward) castes, leading to caste clashes. Which was […]

What is the second largest lake in Africa?

What is the second largest lake in Africa? Lake Tanganyika Which is Africa’s biggest lake? Lake Victoria What is the largest lake in Africa quizlet? Terms in this set (20) Lake Victoria. the largest lake in Africa and the 2nd largest freshwater lake in the world. Eastern Highlands. Lake Chad. Ruwenzori Mountains. Drakensberg Range. Lakes […]

What is the name of the syndrome which refers to the frequent transition of government employees who leave their positions to become lobbyists for special interest groups?

What is the name of the syndrome which refers to the frequent transition of government employees who leave their positions to become lobbyists for special interest groups? The lobbying industry is especially affected by the revolving door concept, as the main asset for a lobbyist is contacts with and influence on government officials. What is […]

What type of government is Michigan?

What type of government is Michigan? Michigan has a republican form of government with three branches of government: the executive branch consisting of the Governor of Michigan and the other independently elected constitutional officers; the legislative branch consisting of the House of Representatives and Senate; and the judicial branch consisting of the … Who runs […]

What did Gary Dahl invent?

What did Gary Dahl invent? the Pet Rock What fad item was invented in 1975? Pet Rocks hit the marketplace in time for Christmas 1975. They were soon featured on “The Tonight Show” and in a blizzard of newspaper articles. In a matter of months, some 1.5 million rocks were sold. How much did Gary […]

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