Did the US win or lose the Korean War? No- the United States didn’t lose the Korean war, as the primary goal of the United States was achieved, South Korea was defended. The border of North and South Korea that was set by the cease fire that was signed in 1953 was the same as […]
Who do wives and husbands most often turn to confide their deepest secrets?
Who do wives and husbands most often turn to confide their deepest secrets? The husband’s leisure activities take place apart from his wife. people who cohabit and later marry are more likely to divorce. Who do wives and husbands most often turn to when confiding their deepest secrets? Wives turn to female relatives or friends; […]
What are the main features of bhakti five points?
What are the main features of bhakti five points? What were the main features of the Bhakti Movement? That God is one single entity, with different names. Bhakti, intense love and devotion, the sole thanks to salvation. Repetition of the True Name. Self-Surrender. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. Rejection of idol worship by […]
How do you increase human capital?
How do you increase human capital? Here are five ways to increase your human capital. Become more marketable. Volunteer. Pursue your hobbies. Take care of your well-being. Spend more time with others. How can governments promote human capital? The Government’s Role Some governments are actively involved in improving human capital by offering higher education to […]
How did Buddha recommend you stop craving?
How did Buddha recommend you stop craving? When they break this cycle, they become free from rebirth and will no longer be born into another life of suffering. Magga β to end their craving, Buddhists must follow the Noble Eightfold Path . This path is called ‘magga’, or the Noble Eightfold Path. What does Tanha […]
What is the state of optimal physical mental and social well being?
What is the state of optimal physical mental and social well being? The definition of health is the state of optimal physical, mental, and social well-being. The definition of wellness is the state of being that enables a person to reach their highest potential. Wellness includes intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. What is […]
What did Asch discover?
What did Asch discover? Asch (1956) found that group size influenced whether subjects conformed. The bigger the majority group (no of confederates), the more people conformed, but only up to a certain point. Which prefers more personal space? The scientists found that residents of Argentina, Peru and Bulgaria stand the closest to strangers, while those […]
What was Konstantin Stanislavski style of Theatre?
What was Konstantin Stanislavski style of Theatre? Stanislavski Technique stems from his theatre practice and is still used by actors all around the world today. The method is an actor training system made up of various different techniques designed to allow actors to create believable characters and help them to really put themselves in the […]
What are the main advantages of consumer credit?
What are the main advantages of consumer credit? Consumer credit allows people to purchase goods and services immediately and repay the costs over time. It offers consumers flexibility in spending and, in some cases, perks and rewards. However, consumer credit can also tempt some to spend beyond their means. What are the advantages of consumer […]
What is the purpose of the National Day of Prayer?
What is the purpose of the National Day of Prayer? The National Day of Prayer is observed annually on the first Thursday in May. This day observance, designated by the United States Congress, asks people βto turn to God in prayer and meditation.β For many, prayer is an integral part of daily life. How did […]