How were the Tigris and Euphrates rivers important to Mesopotamia? The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers supplied the land with rich water. This snowmelt water from the mountains is full of rich soil, called silt. The silt settled in the valleys and deserts of Mesopotamia, making the soil fertile and easy to grow crops. Where was […]
How was the ice age shaped in New York?
How was the ice age shaped in New York? Over the last two million years, New York has experienced several Ice Ages interspersed with warm periods. Gigantic glaciers covered the state, and then retreated. Each wiped the landscape nearly clean—changing the course of rivers, widening valleys, and rounding mountaintops. What NYS landscape region is a […]
What do Hester and Dimmesdale think of their sin in The Scarlet Letter?
What do Hester and Dimmesdale think of their sin in The Scarlet Letter? Both Hester and Dimmesdale, are characters in the Scarlet Letter. They suffer with the guilt of the sin of adultery that they committed. This is revealed when Dimmesdale was giving his revelation, in which “he tore away the ministerial band from before […]
Which of the following is an example of cyclical unemployment during a recession?
Which of the following is an example of cyclical unemployment during a recession? An example of cyclical unemployment is when construction workers were laid off during the Great Recession following the financial crisis of 2008. With the housing market struggling, construction of new homes fell dramatically, leading to a rise in cyclical unemployment for construction […]
What do you call a server that has Active Directory installed?
What do you call a server that has Active Directory installed? What type of Windows server has Active Directory installed and is responsible for allowing client computers access to domain resources? Domain controller. What is a server running Active Directory Domain Services called? A server running the Active Directory Domain Service (AD DS) role is […]
Which connector is shown in the exhibit?
Which connector is shown in the exhibit? Explanation: The card that is shown in the exhibit is a network interface adapter with an RJ-45 port which is used to connect the computer to a network via a network cable. What is the first step Derek should perform to secure the wireless router? What is the […]
What is the relationship between the self and society according to symbolic Interactionism?
What is the relationship between the self and society according to symbolic Interactionism? According to symbolic interactionism, what is the relationship between the self and society? The self is shaped by society, but society is also shaped by the self. What is the link between feminist theory and conflict theory? Both seek not only to […]
Which of the following anthropologists is known for his her work in the Trobriand Islands?
Which of the following anthropologists is known for his her work in the Trobriand Islands? 1During World War I, Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942) conducted an intensive ethnographic study in the Trobriand Island archipelago of Melanesia, a fieldwork locale that came to represent one of the founding moments of modern anthropology. What anthropologist set a new standard […]
What type of economic system bases its decision on custom?
What type of economic system bases its decision on custom? Ec 2 Economic Systems Vocabulary A B traditional economic system economic decisions are based on customs, beliefs, and ways of doing things that have been handed down from generation to generation command economic system the government controls the factors of production and makes all the […]
How does consumer sovereignty determine the types and quantities of the goods produced in a market economy?
How does consumer sovereignty determine the types and quantities of the goods produced in a market economy? Consumer sovereignty (demand) determines the types and quantities of goods to be produced given the scarce resources of the economy. Consumers spend their income on the goods and services that they most want. Consumers’ dollar votes determine which […]