What is instinct theory?

What is instinct theory? What Is Instinct Theory? According to the instinct theory of motivation, all organisms are born with innate biological tendencies that help them survive. Instincts are goal-directed and innate patterns of behavior that are not the result of learning or experience. What is instinct according to Freud? Definition: Instinct. INSTINCT. A pre-lingual […]

When were US citizens allowed to travel to Cuba?

When were US citizens allowed to travel to Cuba? 1999 Do families live on Guantanamo Bay? Family housing comes with major appliances. Access to on-base Department of Defense school and activity centers for teens and youth. Employment opportunities for accompanying family members. Very short commutes from housing to work sites, and free public transportation. How […]

What is the Foreign purchases effect?

What is the Foreign purchases effect? (sometimes called the foreign purchases effect) when a change in the price level in one country leads to other countries purchasing more of that country’s goods. That makes net exports (and therefore real GDP) increase. What does the foreign trade effect suggest will happen if there is a decrease […]

How does consumer sovereignty determine the types and quantities of the goods produced in a market economy?

How does consumer sovereignty determine the types and quantities of the goods produced in a market economy? Consumer sovereignty (demand) determines the types and quantities of goods to be produced given the scarce resources of the economy. Consumers spend their income on the goods and services that they most want. Consumers’ dollar votes determine which […]

Why are carpetbaggers called carpetbaggers?

Why are carpetbaggers called carpetbaggers? The term carpetbagger, used exclusively as a pejorative term, originated from the carpet bags (a form of cheap luggage made from carpet fabric) which many of these newcomers carried. The term came to be associated with opportunism and exploitation by outsiders. Why were Northerners who moved to the South in […]

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