Which of the following anthropologists is known for his her work in the Trobriand Islands?

Which of the following anthropologists is known for his her work in the Trobriand Islands? 1During World War I, Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942) conducted an intensive ethnographic study in the Trobriand Island archipelago of Melanesia, a fieldwork locale that came to represent one of the founding moments of modern anthropology. What anthropologist set a new standard […]

What were the unique aspects of Vietnamese civilization?

What were the unique aspects of Vietnamese civilization? Spoken language not related to Chinese, strong tradition of village autonomy, favored nuclear family to extended household, never developed the clan networks, Vietnamese women had more freedom and influence both within the family and in society, different style of clothing, cockfight, chewed betel nut, and blackened … […]

How was the ice age shaped in New York?

How was the ice age shaped in New York? Over the last two million years, New York has experienced several Ice Ages interspersed with warm periods. Gigantic glaciers covered the state, and then retreated. Each wiped the landscape nearly clean—changing the course of rivers, widening valleys, and rounding mountaintops. What NYS landscape region is a […]

What are two types of migration migration?

What are two types of migration migration? internal migration: moving within a state, country, or continent. external migration: moving to a different state, country, or continent. emigration: leaving one country to move to another. immigration: moving into a new country. What are two factors that caused humans to migrate? Among the ‘macro-factors’, the inadequate human […]

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