Why do all levels of government consume so much?

Why do all levels of government consume so much? It supplies defense and justice, subsidizes agriculture, and funds state and local governments. Why do all levels of government consume so much? Because the tasks of protecting, providing, and regulating are expensive, and require. resources and labor to accomplish. What is the government’s role in controlling […]

What are some examples of folk culture?

What are some examples of folk culture? Examples of folk culture in the United States are the Amish, Native American customs, and “Little Bavaria” in Frankenmuth, Michigan. The Amish, mainly concentrated in Pennsylvania, practice traditional religious customs and beliefs such as limited use of technology. Why is literature important to culture? Literature allows a person […]

Is free speech allowed in Cuba?

Is free speech allowed in Cuba? The Cuban constitution says that free speech is allowed “in keeping with the objectives of socialist society” and that artistic creation is allowed “as long as its content is not contrary to the Revolution”. Cuba was named one of the ten most censored countries in the world by the […]

What was important in the Renaissance?

What was important in the Renaissance? It was an incredible time of beauty, blossoming with creativity and curiosity. The Renaissance era also witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the growth of commerce, and the inventions of innovations such as paper, printing, the mariner’s compass and gunpowder. What was the most important change in […]

What is meant by prerequisites of development?

What is meant by prerequisites of development? The availability of requirements needed to initiate and accomplish the development projects or activities is known as preconditions for development. How is entrepreneurship a prerequisite of development? Entrepreneurial development programs aim at being simple to understand and teach skills that entrepreneurs can use after the program. It also […]

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