Why did Kush stop being a pearling center?

Why did Kush stop being a pearling center? Answer. Answer: Explanation: The industry lingered, much-reduced, throughout the 20th century, its final demise being marked by the official closure of Kuwait’s pearl-oyster market in the year 2000, which brought to an end over 7000 years of pearling in the region. Neither is there any mention of […]

What was the first aim of Greek comedy?

What was the first aim of Greek comedy? entertain Did drama flourished under the Roman Empire? Drama flourished under the Roman Empire. Early medieval drama originated from the acting-out of liturgical services. The acting-out of a religious service helped the uneducated members of the congregation understand the meaning. What do we know about earliest drama? […]

How did Augustus rise to power?

How did Augustus rise to power? Augustus came to power after the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. In 27 BCE Augustus “restored” the republic of Rome, though he himself retained all real power as the princeps, or “first citizen,” of Rome. Augustus held that title until his death in 14 CE. Why was […]

What is meant by prerequisites of development?

What is meant by prerequisites of development? The availability of requirements needed to initiate and accomplish the development projects or activities is known as preconditions for development. How is entrepreneurship a prerequisite of development? Entrepreneurial development programs aim at being simple to understand and teach skills that entrepreneurs can use after the program. It also […]

How did the environment impact the growth of the Maya?

How did the environment impact the growth of the Maya? Maya clay and soil sequences indicated erosion, human land-use changes and periods of instability. Soil profiles near wetlands revealed heightened carbon isotope ratios due to agriculture and corn production; and researchers noted a three- to fourfold increase in phosphorus throughout Maya-age sediments. Why did the […]

How do you use fastening in a sentence?

How do you use fastening in a sentence? Fastening in a Sentence ? Because the gained twenty pounds after buying her wedding dress, the fastening on the back of the bride’s gown wouldn’t close. The fastening on the front of the toddler’s car seat is too tight and needs to be loosened. What do you […]

What are some abiotic factors in Finding Nemo?

What are some abiotic factors in Finding Nemo? Abiotic Factors: Saltwater, Sunlight, Air, and Sand. What is Nemo’s habitat? Habitat. False clownfish live in the coral reefs off the coasts of Australia and Southeast Asia as far north as southern Japan. They are found mainly around certain kinds of anemones, a creature that anchors itself […]

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