What did Erasmus do in the Renaissance? Desiderius Erasmus was one of the leading activists and thinkers of the European Renaissance. His main activity was to write letters to the leading statesmen, humanists, printers, and theologians of the first three and a half decades of the sixteenth century. What is Erasmus philosophy? He embraced the […]
Why is Johannes Gutenberg important today?
Why is Johannes Gutenberg important today? Johannes Gutenberg was a German blacksmith known for inventing the mechanical movable type printing press. His printing press has been widely considered the most important invention of the modern era because it profoundly impacted the transmission of knowledge. How did the printing press changed the world? In the 15th […]
Which geographic factor influenced the development of independent city states in ancient Greece?
Which geographic factor influenced the development of independent city states in ancient Greece? (The mountainous terrain prevented the Greek city-states from uniting to form a single nation.) HARBORS that encouraged SEAFARING TRADE. What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have on its early development? (1) The mountainous terrain led to the creation of independent […]
What was an early problem in agricultural societies?
What was an early problem in agricultural societies? An early problem was Disease. Many people got things such as smallpox, and it passed around and killed a lot of people. What are the major problems in agriculture? Indian agriculture is plagued by several problems; some of them are natural and some others are manmade. Small […]
Which of the following is a reason why people typically do not fear coconuts flowers or strawberries?
Which of the following is a reason why people typically do not fear coconuts flowers or strawberries? What is a reason why people typically do not fear coconuts, flowers, or strawberries? During evolution, exposure to such stimuli was not life threatening. Which of the following has been shown useful in treating posttraumatic stress disorder? The […]
What do the Southern colonies border?
What do the Southern colonies border? The original charter set the colony ‘s boundaries from the southern border of the Virginia Colony to the coast of present-day Georgia. In 1729, the Province of Carolina split into the separate royal colonies of North Carolina and South Carolina. How was the water in the southern colonies? The […]
What was important in the Renaissance?
What was important in the Renaissance? It was an incredible time of beauty, blossoming with creativity and curiosity. The Renaissance era also witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the growth of commerce, and the inventions of innovations such as paper, printing, the mariner’s compass and gunpowder. What was the most important change in […]
What are some disadvantages with the idea of separation of powers?
What are some disadvantages with the idea of separation of powers? Demerits of the Theory of Separation of Powers Wrong Reading of British System: Not Fully Attainable: Administrative Complications: Could Lead to Confusion and Deadlock: Inequality of Powers: Not the Sole Factor of Liberty: Could Disturb the Balance of Power: What is separation power? Separation […]
How did immigration change after World War II?
How did immigration change after World War II? Changes in U.S. immigration policies during and after World War II had a great impact on contemporary immigration. A major shift was the sources of immigration. In the 1950s over half of the total immigrants came from Europe, and the majority of them arrived from western European […]
Is free speech allowed in Cuba?
Is free speech allowed in Cuba? The Cuban constitution says that free speech is allowed “in keeping with the objectives of socialist society” and that artistic creation is allowed “as long as its content is not contrary to the Revolution”. Cuba was named one of the ten most censored countries in the world by the […]