Which of the following are characteristics of tragicomedy? The blend of suffering, sorrows, humor, romance, forgiveness, and reunion in the play confirms its label as a tragicomedy. There are different aspects of the tragicomedy in the play that include: tragic elements, comic elements, romantic elements, and a happy ending. What is farce comedy literature? Farce […]
How did railroads affect the environment?
How did railroads affect the environment? It took a heavy toll on the environment. The massive amount of wood needed to build the railroad, including railroad ties, support beams for tunnels and bridges, and sheds, necessitated cutting down thousands of trees, which devastated western forests. Why are railroads so environmentally friendly? And the convoy formation […]
What is the Brazilian government doing about deforestation?
What is the Brazilian government doing about deforestation? Brazil had set a goal of slowing the pace of deforestation to 3,900 sq km annually by 2020. In addition to encouraging development in the rainforest, President Bolsonaro has also cut funding to federal agencies that have the power to fine and arrest farmers and loggers breaking […]
Como usar el metodo cartesiano?
¿Cómo usar el metodo cartesiano? El Método Cartesiano, creado por René Descartes, consiste en el escepticismo metodológico – se duda de cada idea que puede ser dudada. Descartes establece la duda: solo se puede decir que existe aquello que pueda ser probado (“Solo tenemos acceso a nuestra mente.”). ¿Cuál es el problema que se plantea […]
How did the caste system create order in ancient India?
How did the caste system create order in ancient India? The Origins of the Caste System According to one long-held theory about the origins of South Asia’s caste system, Aryans from central Asia invaded South Asia and introduced the caste system as a means of controlling the local populations. The Aryans defined key roles in […]
What is the name of the long term development plan of China?
What is the name of the long term development plan of China? The 14th FYP is part of Xi Jinping’s long-term strategy of transforming China into an advanced economy. The key to China’s long-term economic success rests on revitalizing productivity growth. What was Mao 5 year plan? Mao Zedong in 1953, the year the first […]
What were the important differences between the Massachusetts Constitution and the other state constitutions?
What were the important differences between the Massachusetts Constitution and the other state constitutions? What were the most significant differences between the Massachusetts constitution and the other state constitutions? Only constitution that resembles a federal constitution “In addition to relying on popular representation in the legislature, it created a strong system of separation of powers […]
What are the benefits of serving on a jury?
What are the benefits of serving on a jury? The role of the jury is to provide unbiased views or resolution to evidence presented in a case in a court of law. Jury service helps to support fairness in trials; jury service is able to give impartial viewpoints on cases that are presented in court. […]
What is the concept of right or good conduct?
What is the concept of right or good conduct? ethic. a principle of right or good conduct or a body of such principles. a system of moral principles or values. Is defined as a set of standards that describes what is good and right in terms of one’s Behaviour? Term. Ethics. Definition. Sets Standards of […]
How is an explicit declarative memory different from an implicit Nondeclarative memory?
How is an explicit declarative memory different from an implicit Nondeclarative memory? Declarative memory allows us to consciously recollect events and facts. It is generally indexed by our ability to explicitly recall or recognize those events or facts. Nondeclarative memory, in contrast, is accessed without consciousness or implicitly through performance rather than recollection. Why are […]