Who developed the Schachter-Singer Two Factor Theory?

Who developed the Schachter-Singer Two Factor Theory? Jerome E. Singer What is Schachter-Singer Two Factor Theory? The Schachter-Singer theory of emotion, also known as the two-factor theory of emotion, states that emotions are a product of both physiological and cognitive processes. What was the purpose of developing the two factor theory? Two-factor theory, theory of […]

What trees have needle like leaves?

What trees have needle like leaves? Coniferous trees have small, waxy and usually narrow leaves (needles or flat scales). ‘Coniferous’ means that it is a cone-bearing tree. The most common conifers are spruces, pines and firs. Do fir trees have leaves? Like deciduous trees, conifers can be identified by their “leaves.” The “leaves” of conifers […]

How a citizens responsibilities can protect others against human rights violations?

How a citizens responsibilities can protect others against human rights violations? A citizens responsibility to be vigilant in various situations, reporting crimes, being a witness in the court, helping people, reporting domestic violence, helping poor people, standing against corruption, standing against terrorism are the standpoints which help in preventing human right violations of the other […]

Is being fed a human right?

Is being fed a human right? 5. The UK has ratified, and is therefore legally bound by, the ICESCR, including the human right to adequate food. Who is responsible for implementing the right to food? FAO Council What is the responsibility of the right to food? The right to food requires that food be available, […]

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